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Factor VIII inhibitor

Known as: Factor VIII inhibitor
SKU: 1405


Study material: Venous blood
Response time (working day): 14
The test is done on an empty stomach: Yes
Home call service: Yes
Country: EU

General Information

Factor VIII inhibitors are antibodies that develop in patients with hemophilia A on factor VIII replacement therapy. Its basis is the development of alloantibodies (specific, atypical antibodies, directed against a specific antigen). Antibodies are oligoclonal, do not cause antigen fixation, and therefore immune complex disease does not develop. Like factor VIII deficiency, they cause bleeding and prolonged activated partial thromboplastin time.

Antibodies to factor VIII develop in 15-20% of hemophiliacs. The risk of developing antibodies is highly variable and unpredictable.

The process of treating acute bleeding in hemophiliacs who have developed factor VIII inhibitors is very difficult and expensive. It depends on the rate of inhibitors and the rate of development of antibodies.

Material for examination: Venous blood

Preparation of the patient: The study is conducted on an empty stomach

Referral norms: Normally, factor VIII antibodies are negative

Interpretation of results

Patients with an FVIII inhibitor titer < 5 UB/mL are considered to have a low-intensity response, while > 10 UB/mL is a high-intensity response.

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Testing process

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