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About Us

 "Synevo Georgia" network of European medical laboratories
"Synevo" - a provider of a wide range of diagnostic services in Georgia, offering more than 1,000 routine and specific diagnostic tests in all major areas of clinical pathology. By the end of 2023, the network of "Synevo Georgia" includes 3 clinical laboratories and 48 blood collection points, which perform more than 300,000 tests.
By 2023, "Synevo Georgia" has installed the last generation model of Roche Diagnostic: Cobas Pure, which is the only one in the Caucasus region. 
"Synevo Georgia" Leading International Healthcare and Diagnostic Service Provider, "Medicover ”Is a part of. Founded in 1995 as a result of increasing demand for high quality healthcare, it has since expanded to meet the same demands in other countries. Today, "Medicover ”The largest offices are in Poland, Germany, Romania, Ukraine and India. The head office is located in Sweden and is listed on the Nasdaq Stockholm. "Medicover ” Provides a wide range of health services through outpatient clinics, hospitals, specialized facilities, laboratories and blood collection points in two directions - Health და Diagnostic Services.
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Diagnostic services - Offers a wide range of clinical laboratory services, including a wide range of laboratory tests in all major clinical pathological areas, ranging from routine tests to specific tests and from prevention to treatment monitoring. The business is conducted through 97 laboratories in ten countries, 733 blood collection points and a network of 26 clinics. The main markets are Germany, Romania, Ukraine and Poland.
Health services - We offer high quality services based on an integrated healthcare model and a wide selection of specialized services with a focus on health and well-being. Services are offered in 117 medical clinics, 25 hospitals, 52 dental clinics, 20 in vitro clinics and 25 gyms. The main markets are Poland, India and Romania.
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