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Talk. Test yourself. Treat it.

April is Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) Awareness Month

If you are sexually active, or plan to be sexually active, it matters "Conversation, testing, treatment" - For the safety of your health. These three small actions can have a big impact on your sexual health!
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) or Sexually Transmitted Infections - Mostly acquired through sexual contact. They do not always cause symptoms and it is possible for a person who looks completely healthy not to know they are infected. Untreated STDs can lead to serious health problems.
For more information on sexually transmitted diseases, see our article - Sexually Transmitted Diseases That's what we need to know
Laboratory "Synevo" offers profile studies of sexually transmitted diseases:

Talk. Test yourself. Treat it.


For detailed information, contact us on the hotline and / or write to us on our Facebook page
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