Sexually transmitted disease screening profile for couples
The profile price for each patient is 285 GEL, instead of 660 GEL
Research material: urine or urogenital smear
The profile includes 13 tests:
– Chlamydia trachomatis – PJR in real time
- Neisseria gonorrhoea - PJR in real time
– Trichomona vaginalis – PJR in real time
– Ureaplasma urealyticum – PJR in real time
- Mycoplasma genitalium - PCR in real time
– Ureaplasma parvum pjr
- Mycoplasma hominis pjr
– Candida albicans pjr
– Hemophilus Ducray Jr
- Gardnerella vaginalis pjr
– pale treponema pjr
– simple herpes type I pjr
– simple herpes type II pjr
Smear can be taken:
in the Varketeli branch of "Synevo". Miss: Sukhishvili N1:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 10:30-17:00
in the Dolidze branch of "Synevo". Miss: Dolidze N46 every day, except Sundays:
Monday-Friday 10: 30-17: 00
Saturday 09: 00-14: 00
in the Mickevichi branch of "Synevo". Miss: Adam Mickiewicz N10:
Monday and Friday 10:30 - 17:00
Saturday – 9:00-14:00
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