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Rheumatology profile studies It is advisable to carry out if an adult or a child has symptoms characteristic of inflammatory and infectious processes, streptococcal infection and its complications, rheumatic diseases.

Included in the rheumatological profile (Click on a specific product for more information on each parameter):



When should we perform rheumatologic profile studies?

A rheumatological disease can be suspected in the presence of the following symptoms:

  • Pain in the joints
  • swelling
  • Chronic soft tissue pain
  • Rash
  • Fever
  • restriction of movement
  • Weakness and fatigue


How to prepare for the test?

Venous blood is required for the study.

Required for the test on empty stomach Presence (interval from last meal should be 10-12 hours).

Possible interpretation of the results

If the test reveals abnormalities, it may be necessary to use additional, other methods of diagnostics. For this, you must consult a specialist, who, taking into account the symptoms, will correctly select the appropriate examinations to make an accurate diagnostics.

Name of the test Category Price CODE Response time (working day) ** Location of the analysis **** Buyhf:tax:product_cat

Rheumatology profile – 71GEL, Instead of 99 GEL

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