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Lead is one of the most toxic heavy metals, which is quite abundant in the environment, and it can enter the body through the respiratory system, skin, and digestive system. Lead affects the nervous, genitourinary, cardiovascular, respiratory systems through immuno-modulating, oxidative and inflammatory mechanisms.
Anemia develops with long-term, chronic exposure to lead, which is due to the inhibition of two enzymes involved in heme synthesis - aminolevulinic acid dehydratase and ferrochelatase. Also, under the influence of lead, an imbalance between oxidants and antioxidants and oxidative stress develops. GPx, CAT and SOD are metalloproteins whose antioxidant and anti-free radical functions are reduced by lead exposure. Long-term intoxication with lead disrupts the functioning of the immune system, in particular suppresses the proliferation of lymphocytes and NK (natural killer) cells in drivers, battery production workers, and silverware specialists. There is some evidence of a relationship between long-term lead exposure and atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease.
The research material is selected depending on which metal is being tested and how long it was exposed to (short-term, long-term). Urine and blood are the most common test materials. To diagnose chronic intoxication, it is sometimes necessary to study nails and hair.
Some foods (fish, crustaceans) and medicines may contain heavy metals, so it is not recommended to take such products and medicines for 48 hours before the study.
A higher than normal concentration of heavy metals in the blood may be a sign of severe intoxication, but not always. Even in the absence of symptoms, it is necessary to find a source of intoxication to reduce toxic exposure. Depending on the need, chelation (binding) therapy is also prescribed. Chelation therapy is usually accompanied by serious side effects, so the question of treatment should be decided by a doctor based on an assessment of risks and benefits.
A normal or low concentration of heavy metals in the blood indicates the absence of intoxication. However, some heavy metals quickly leave the bloodstream and accumulate in tissues. Therefore, in the presence of symptoms, despite the detection of a low concentration of heavy metals in the blood, sometimes additional studies are necessary - skin, hair, nails and other tissues.
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More than 1000 routine and complex/specific diagnostic tests in all major areas of clinical pathology.
48 laboratory centers in 25 cities of Georgia: Tbilisi, Rustavi, Kutaisi, Batumi, Marneuli, Telavi, Zugdidi, Zestafon, Gori, Kobuleti, Akhaltsikhe, Khashuri, Sartichala, Kazbegi, Borjomi, Samtredia, Gurjaani, Lagodekhi, Akhmeta, Ozurgeti, Poti, Chiatura , Dusheti, Kareli, New Gudauri.
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Use the Synevo web platform to view results from anywhere, anytime
From Monday to Saturday you can use the laboratory services at home.
☎️ Hotline: 239 38 33 or 239 40 65
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30 laboratory centers in 11 cities of Georgia: Tbilisi, Kutaisi, Batumi, Kobuleti, Zugdidi, Zestaponi, Rustavi, Marneuli, Akhaltsikhe, Telavi, Gori.
More than 3000 routine and complex / specific diagnostic tests in all major areas of clinical pathology.
"Synevo" - Providing a wide range of diagnostic services in Georgia, offering more than 1,000 routine and specific diagnostic tests in all major areas of clinical pathology. By the end of 2023, the Synevo Georgia network will include 3 clinical laboratories and 47 blood sampling units, which will perform more than 300,000 tests.
Contact information
Address: Tsinandali St. N9 (N1 Clinical Hospital area)
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