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Urea (24 hour urine)

Known as: Urea (24 hour urine)
SKU: 1920

Original price was: ₾15.00.Current price is: ₾13.50.

Research material: 24-hour urine
Response time (working day): 1
The test is done on an empty stomach: no
Home call service: No.
Country: Georgia

General Information

Urea excretion depends on diet; It increases in the case of a protein-based diet and decreases in the case of a vegetarian diet.

When should we take the test?

  • Assessment of renal function;
  • Assessing the nitrogen balance in the body.

Possible interpretation of the results

Urinary urea concentration increases:

Hypercatabolism of endogenous and exogenous proteins.

The concentration of urea in the urine decreases:

  • Acute and chronic renal failure;
  • Decompensated liver failure

Product description


How to prepare for the test?

Patient training is not required.

Study material / urine collection rule

24-hour urine. At 7 o'clock in the morning the patient urinates and does not store this urine, and during the next urination he collects the whole volume of urine in a plastic container (2-3 liter urine container) until 7 o'clock in the morning of the next day (24 hours); The patient should transfer 100 ml of urine from this container (e.g. with a syringe) to a disposable plastic cup for urine and should be stored at 2-8 ° C before the test (1-1,5 h).

Testing process

Purchase a test Submission of material

Purchase a test

Submission of material

Results Online Consult a doctor

Results Online

Consult a doctor


Urea urinara

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