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Toxocara | Antibodies (toxocariasis)

Known as: Toxocara | Antibodies
SKU: 2029


Study material: Venous blood
Response time (working day): 14
The test is done on an empty stomach: no
Home call service: Yes
Country: EU

General Information

What is toxocariasis?

Toxocariasis is a zoonotic disease caused by roundworms, which is transmitted from animals to humans. Toxocara of dogs (Toxocara Canis) and cats (Toxocara Cati) is the most common.

Dog and cat owners have a higher risk of toxocariasis.


How is it done?

Dogs and cats infected with Toxocara excrete parasite eggs in their feces. After entering the environment, it takes 2-4 weeks for the Toxocara egg to turn into a larva (an immature young parasite. When touching objects and surfaces contaminated with animal feces, the eggs of the parasite enter the gastrointestinal tract through the oral route, begin to develop in the intestine, and sometimes the larvae migrate to the internal organs. The spread of toxocariasis from person to person is practically It doesn't happen.



During toxocariasis, there are often no symptoms, however, it is possible to develop:

  • Eye toxocariasis - It develops when Toxocara larvae migrate through the bloodstream and enter the eye tissue. Among the complaints, it is worth noting: visual impairment, damage to the retina and inflammatory process. Damage to only one eye is typical.
  • Visceral toxocariasis – Toxocara larvae migrate through the bloodstream to various organs: the liver, the brain, and others. There is fever, general weakness, cough, abdominal pain.

In most cases, the infection caused by Toxocara is mild. Severe cases are rare, however, the risk of complications is high in children and immunocompromised people.



The diagnostics of both ocular and visceral toxocariasis is based on the anamnesis of infection with the parasite as well as serological studies. The research is carried out by detecting antibodies against the antigen of Toxocara larvae. Positive serological data should be considered together with the patient's clinical and anamnestic data, although seropositive cases may accompany the asymptomatic course of the disease.

In ocular toxocariasis, serum antibody levels may be low, regardless of the severity of the clinical course. Antibodies to Toxocara may also be found in the vitreous of the affected eye, as a result of a local ionic reaction or migration of antibodies from the bloodstream.

Symptoms of ocular or visceral toxocariasis can be caused not only by toxocariasis, but also by other parasitic worms such as: strongyloides spp, Paragonimus spp, Baylisascaris procyonis  etc.


When to see a doctor?

Any parasitic disease, including toxocariasis, when there is a slight suspicion, especially when there is a suspicion of parasites associated with domestic animals, it is necessary to consult a doctor in order to make a timely diagnostics based on anamnestic data, objective examination and laboratory data. Since the symptoms of toxocariasis and other parasitic wart diseases are similar, serological studies are necessary to identify the parasite.



Both ocular and visceral forms of toxocariasis are treated with albendazole and mebendazole antiparasitic drugs, the dosage and duration of which is determined by the attending physician depending on the clinical condition.



  • Treatment of pets for parasitic worms and other causes
  • Maintaining personal hygiene after interacting with animals (washing hands regularly with soap, especially before eating)
  • Avoiding places contaminated with animal feces
  • Regular hygienic and antiseptic treatment of the pet's living area


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