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Women's Reproductive Health Profile

Known as: Women's health profile
SKU: 9216

Original price was: ₾263.00.Current price is: ₾184.00.

Study material: Venous blood
Response time (working day): 1
The test is done on an empty stomach: Yes
Home call service: Yes
Country: Georgia

General Information


 "Women's Reproductive Health Profile"  Includes 7 main parameters:


  1. Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S) is a steroid hormone produced by the adrenal glands. Its production is regulated by adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and prolactin. Together with testosterone, DHEA-S (DHEA-C) is used as a screening test for hirsutism (hyperandrogenemia clinic: baldness, hirsutism (excessive hair), infertility, menstrual cycle disturbances, acne, virilization).


2.Estradiol (E2) is the most biologically active estrogen. Estrogens are involved in the formation of female secondary sexual characteristics and together with progesterone are responsible for the regulation of the menstrual cycle, the development of the female genital organs and the maintenance of pregnancy. They affect calcium metabolism and have a positive effect on bone mass. With low estrogen levels, there is a decrease in bone mineralization, leading to easy fractures and postmenopausal osteoporosis.


3. LH (Malnutrition Hormone), Together with FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) belongs to the group of gonadotropic hormones that stimulate the gonads or gonads. FSH and LH secretion is pulsed and controlled by the period of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) release from the hypothalamus. LH and FSH regulate and stimulate the growth and function of the gonads (ovaries and testes). These two hormones are produced by the gonadotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland, from where they reach the bloodstream and from there to the gonads: in the ovaries they stimulate follicle growth and maturation, corpus luteum formation and development, respectively, of estrogen and progesterone synthesis; Cells, testosterone production and normal sperm maturation.

The highest level of melatoninizing hormone is observed in the middle of the menstrual cycle and is associated with the induction of ovulation (secretion of a mature egg from the ovary) and the formation of a corpus luteum, the secretion of which is the main product of progesterone.


4. Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) Together with melatoninizing hormone (LH) it belongs to the family of gonadotropic hormones. They are synthesized in the anterior pituitary gland under the influence of gonadotropin-releasing hormone from the hypothalamus. The level of gonadotropic hormones in the blood is controlled by the principle of the effect of sex hormones (estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, etc.) on the hypothalamus.


5. ProgesteroneIs a steroid hormone produced in the ovaries, adrenal glands, and placenta during pregnancy. In the ovaries, its synthesis is stimulated by LH, during pregnancy - by hCG, which first stimulates the production of progesterone in the corpus luteum, and then the synthesis is transferred to the placenta. Progesterone concentration is closely related to corpus luteum development and regression. Only a minimal amount can be detected in the follicular phase. An increase in progesterone is observed the day before ovulation and continues throughout the luteal phase. Determining progesterone levels is the best test to confirm ovulation. During pregnancy, a gradual increase in progesterone levels is observed from 9 to 32 weeks, and often 100 times more than before pregnancy. Progesterone concentrations are higher in cases of multiple pregnancies. Progesterone transforms the uterine mucosa into gland-rich tissue (secretory phase), which facilitates the implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus.

5. Prolactin Secretion occurs by the anterior pituitary gland and is excreted episodically. Serum prolactin is found in three different forms; The predominant monomeric form (80%), which is biologically and immunologically active, is 5-20% dimeric form ("large" prolactin), which is biologically inactive, and 0,5-5% - tetrameric form (" Large-large ”prolactin), which has low biological activity.



6.Testosterone Is the major androgenic hormone in men; Its synthesis takes place almost exclusively in testicular Leydig cells. Testosterone secretion is controlled by melatoninizing hormone (LH) produced by the pituitary gland and is subject to negative feedback through the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. The major component of circulating testosterone is bound to the sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG).

Testosterone is involved in the formation of male sex marks, as well as in the maintenance of prostate and testicular bladder function.

Possible interpretation of the results

If the test reveals abnormalities, it may be necessary to use additional methods of diagnostics and treatment. You must consult a specialist for this.

Additional information

How Get ready For the test?

To take the test you need:
• Venous blood.
• Because the concentration of prolactin changes at different times of the day, it is recommended to perform the test in the morning within 2 hours of waking up.
• Blood should not be collected after gynecological examination, physical activity, stressful situations or breast stimulation. It is recommended to refrain from sexual intercourse and drinking alcohol one day before the test.
• Birth control pills, antihypertensive medications, and antidepressants may affect results and should be discontinued as directed by a physician.
• In women, the basal level of the hormone is determined in the first days (3-5) of the menstrual cycle. When diagnosing a menstrual cycle disorder, it is recommended to determine the hormone several times in different phases of the cycle. When passing the test, the patient should indicate the date of the last menstruation.

• Fasting in the morning is an important condition to ensure the quality of blood laboratory tests.
• For 8-12 hours before the examination, alcohol consumption, fatty foods, smoking and physical activity should be excluded.
• The test is not performed after a thyroid biopsy or surgery.

some of them medication it is possible influence to have Of the test parameters on the results, therefore For analysis to prepare necessary to the doctor Consultation და from him Detailed instructions Admission.




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