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Women and health - profile

Known as: Women's health profile
SKU: w0001p

Original price was: ₾212.00.Current price is: ₾144.00.

Study material: Venous blood
Response time (working day): 1
The test is done on an empty stomach: Yes
Home call service: Yes
Country: Georgia

General Information


 "Women's Health Profile"  Includes 6 main parameters:


1. Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) The determination is the initial (first) test for the diagnostics of thyroid disease. Even a small change in the concentration of thyroid hormones causes a marked change in the concentration of TSH. Therefore, thyroid-stimulating hormone is a very specific and sensitive parameter for evaluating the function of the thyroid gland, as well as for detecting and excluding diseases of the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid system;


2. Free Thyroxine (FT4)  There is a biologically active fraction of thyroxine circulating in the blood, which is not bound to blood proteins and makes up 4% of serum thyroxine - T0.03. Free thyroxine (FT4) is produced by the follicular cells of the thyroid gland under the influence of TSH and is regulated by the so-called negative feedback principle. It increases heat production and oxygen consumption by all body tissues except the brain, spleen, and testes. Stimulates the synthesis of vitamin A in the liver. reduces the concentration of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood; accelerates protein metabolism; increases urine calcium excretion; activates bone metabolism, but more - bone resorption; has a positive chrono- and inotropic effect on the heart; Stimulates the functioning of the central nervous system.
The combined study of free thyroxine (FT4) and thyrotropic hormone (TSH) gives us a more complete picture of the thyroid gland in patients with altered thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG) levels (pregnancy, taking androgens, estrogens, salicylates, etc.)


3. Insulin It is a polypeptide hormone produced by the pancreas. by the β cells of the islets of Langerhans. Insulin molecule consists of 2 polypeptide chains: α chain - 21 amino acids and β chain - 30 amino acids, which are connected by two disulfide bridges. Insulin and C-peptide are produced as a result of enzymatic cleavage of proinsulin.
Its main role is to regulate blood glucose levels. Although insulin is mainly related to blood sugar control, it is also involved in the metabolism of fats and proteins.
When carbohydrates are eaten, the blood sugar level rises, which stimulates the production of insulin by the cells of the pancreas. Insulin converts carbohydrates into an easily digestible form for cells, cells absorb glucose and blood sugar concentration decreases.


4. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) Together with malutheinizing hormone (LH), it belongs to the family of gonadotropic hormones. They are synthesized in the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, as a result of the influence of gonadotropin-releasing (releasing) hormone from the hypothalamus.



5. Prolactin Secretion occurs by the anterior pituitary gland and is excreted episodically. Serum prolactin is found in three different forms; The predominant monomeric form (80%), which is biologically and immunologically active, is 5-20% dimeric form ("large" prolactin), which is biologically inactive, and 0,5-5% - tetrameric form (" Large-large ”prolactin), which has low biological activity.



6General analysis of blood Used to assess general health. It can also be a diagnostic indicator for many diseases such as anemia, inflammatory conditions, leukemia and others.
The erythrocyte sedimentation rate – ESR – is directly proportional to the mass of erythrocytes, the density difference between erythrocytes and plasma, and inversely proportional to plasma viscosity. Together with leukocytosis and corresponding changes in the formula of leukocytes, increased EDS is a reliable sign of the presence of infectious and inflammatory processes in the body. Measurement of EDS in autoimmune diseases allows to determine the stage of the disease (exacerbation or remission), to evaluate its activity and the effectiveness of treatment. However, an increase in EDS is not a specific indicator of this or that disease. Despite this, its changes in pathology have diagnostic and prognostic value and can become an indicator of the effectiveness of treatment.

When should we take the test?

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) in women: Detection of hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal dysfunction (mainly to make a differential diagnostics between primary ovarian failure and ovarian stimulation deficiency), polycystic ovaries, menstrual disorders (including amenorrhea), assessment of menstrual cycle phases, assessment of menstrual cycle phases. FSH can be checked for symptoms of premature ovarian failure: irregular or absent menstrual cycle, inability to conceive, urination and night sweats, weight gain, easy fatigue, frequent headaches, insomnia. The test is also recommended in case of questionable infertility in both sexes. In such cases, it is recommended that the test be performed in conjunction with other tests such as LH, estrogen, and testosterone.
Prolactin in women: Unexplained headaches, visual disturbances, breast milk secretion without giving birth or breastfeeding, pain or discomfort during sexual intercourse, hair growth in unusual places on the body and face, acne, infertility, irregular menstrual cycle. In girls: problems with the menstrual cycle, milk flow from the breast. In patients who have already been diagnosed with a pituitary adenoma, prolactin is tested to monitor the tumor's response to treatment.
When assessing the functional state of the thyroid gland, When we suspect damage to the thyroid gland, it is important to know that functional disorders or diseases of the thyroid gland in the initial stage are not always manifested clinically, therefore, periodic screening of the thyroid gland is recommended for timely diagnostics.
The study is recommended in patients with symptoms of increased or decreased thyroid function. The test is also prescribed in people with enlarged glands (called "goiters") or "nodules".
Increased function of the thyroid gland can be manifested by the following symptoms:
• Weight loss, with normal or increased appetite
• Accelerated pulse and increased blood pressure
• Soft, warm, moist skin with a tendency to sweat
• Trembling
• Insomnia, emotional tension, irritability, crying
• Bringing the eyes forward
• Frequent urination or diarrhea
Or vice versa, when the function decreases, it is observed:
• Weight gain, even with decreased appetite
• Slow heart rate and low blood pressure
• Pale, swollen, cold skin
• Depression, drowsiness, memory loss
• Constipation
• Thinning eyebrows or hair loss
• Constant feeling of cold

Possible interpretation of the results

If the test reveals abnormalities, it may be necessary to use additional methods of diagnostics and treatment. You must consult a specialist for this.

Product description

How Get ready For the test?

To take the test you need:
• Venous blood.
• Because the concentration of prolactin changes at different times of the day, it is recommended to perform the test in the morning within 2 hours of waking up.
• Blood should not be collected after gynecological examination, physical activity, stressful situations or breast stimulation. It is recommended to refrain from sexual intercourse and drinking alcohol one day before the test.
• Birth control pills, antihypertensive medications, and antidepressants may affect results and should be discontinued as directed by a physician.
• In women, the basal level of the hormone is determined in the first days (3-5) of the menstrual cycle. When diagnosing a menstrual cycle disorder, it is recommended to determine the hormone several times in different phases of the cycle. When passing the test, the patient should indicate the date of the last menstruation.

• Fasting in the morning is an important condition to ensure the quality of blood laboratory tests.
• For 8-12 hours before the examination, alcohol consumption, fatty foods, smoking and physical activity should be excluded.
• The test is not performed after a thyroid biopsy or surgery.

some of them medication it is possible influence to have Of the test parameters on the results, therefore For analysis to prepare necessary to the doctor Consultation და from him Detailed instructions Admission.




action Within "Women's health package"  There is a price  144 GEL, Instead  192 Larisa.

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