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Parasitological examination (stool)

Known as: Parasitological examination (feces)
SKU: 5909

Original price was: ₾30.00.Current price is: ₾24.00.

Research material: Stools
Response time (working day): 1
The test is done on an empty stomach: no
Home call service: No.
Country: Georgia

General Information

Parasitological examination of feces determines the presence of parasites with intestinal localization.

Helminths are caused by parasitic worms. The gold standard for diagnostics is the detection of the parasite or its eggs in the stool.

*Special price until September 30.

During the research, the following parasites are determined:

Is a protozoan: Giardia lamblia, Entamoeba spp. The analysis is carried out (with a rapid antigen test)


  • Nematodes: Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura, Enterobius vermicularis,
  • Trematodesliver fluke
  • CestodesTaenia spp.


Intestinal parasites are common, infestations are more common in areas with contaminated water.

When should we take the test?

  • Prolonged diarrhea, especially in immunocompromised individuals in whom no other infectious agent is excreted.
  • Diarrhea after traveling to exotic countries when the infectious agent is not excreted.

Possible interpretation of the results

  • A positive result indicates the presence of a parasite, but this does not always mean that the parasite is responsible for the patient's symptoms.
  • One negative test does not rule out the possibility of parasite infestation.

Additional information

Diarrhea, malnutrition, anemia and intestinal obstruction are some of the consequences of intestinal parasite infestation. Protozoa can cause diarrhea and / or malabsorption both through the secretion of toxins and through invasion of the intestinal mucosa by unknown mechanisms. Helminths (intestinal worms) can cause intestinal obstruction, cause bleeding, or delay the absorption of nutrients in the intestine. Larvae or eggs can also spread outside the intestines and cause inflammation or tissue damage.

Some parasites of the protozoan or helminth category can inhabit the intestinal tract of humans and animals without clinical manifestations.

Enterobius vermicularis,  Enterobiosis is the most common helminthosis. Enterobiosis is caused by a small white worm Enterobius vermicularis or Oxyuris vermicularis. Enterobius is called a sword in another way. Its egg matures in 4-6 hours and a mobile worm is formed in it. If a mature egg gets into the mouth of a person, he will get sick with enterobiosis. Enterobius lives in the intestine of an infected person. It comes out mainly at night and lays its eggs in the folds around the perianal opening.


Ascaris lumbricoides - Human-specific cylindrical worm (nematode) that causes ascariasis.

Ascariasis is one of the most common parasitic diseases. It is transmitted through the fecal-oral route. The clinical picture reflects the stages of the parasitic cycle of Ascarida, with manifestations caused by lung larvae and adult parasites of the small intestine:

  • Transient interstitial hypereosinophilic pneumonia Loeffler: spastic cough, sneezing, serous sputum containing eosinophils and Charcot-Leyden crystals;
  • Polymorphic allergies;
  • Enteritis: pain around the navel, vomiting, disturbance of movement of intestinal contents; The number of parasites in the intestine may exceed 40; At this level, it exerts mechanical and toxic effects and can cause intestinal obstruction and protein-calorie malabsorption.


Trichuris trichiura (Trichocephalus) - Is a geohelminthic nematode that is a human-specific parasite. Characteristics of trichocephalus include the ability to invade under the intestinal mucosa, the formation of microenvironmental sites at the site of penetration, and hematophagy. It all triggers a diffuse inflammatory reaction, sometimes in granular form. Clinically it can be manifested as asymptomatic forms associated with low parasitic load and severe forms similar to inflammatory bowel disease (bloody diarrhea accompanied by rectal tenesmus and colic pain, especially in the right iliac fossa). A severe complication in children is rectal prolapse. Blood tests consistently show 10-15% eosinophilia.

Fasciola Hepatica - A hermaphroditic trematode located in the bile ducts. Humans and herbivores become infected by consuming lettuce or aquatic plants or contaminated water. The clinical picture reflects the stages of parasite development and includes:

  • Migratory or acute phase: fever, change in general condition, itching, abdominal pain mainly in the right lower abdomen, mucous-bloody diarrhea; There is eosinophilia (20-40%), and the occult blood test in stool is positive due to hemophilia;
  • Obstructive or chronic phase: mechanical jaundice/subicterus associated with episodes of biliary colic;
  • Ectopic phase: includes cutaneous fasciolosis and pharyngeal fasciolosis (due to consumption of sheep liver, especially in the Middle East and North African regions).


last name Taenia - Belongs to the class of cestodes and includes two species: Taenia saginata and Taenia solium. Humans become infected with undercooked beef / pork.

Clinical picture: symptoms are similar to symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome:

  • mucous diarrhea;
  • Abdominal pain with colic;
  • Nausea;
  • Change in appetite (bulemia or, conversely, anorexia).


How to prepare for the test / rules of material collection

  • A thorough examination of the worm eggs requires the examination of feces and a specially prepared cotton disk.
  • Stool analysis is required for the same day, but if you want to deliver material of feces, which is collected the day before, it is important to store the feces in a cool place in a small amount in a plastic or glass container before delivery.
  • Place 10 ml of thin stool or walnut-sized stool sample in a container. It is important to take stool from different areas, especially those areas where mucus or blood is visible.
  • The final answer needs to be conducted as well of cotton tampon Also research, which should be brought prepared as follows: in the evening you should not wash the back of the body. In the morning, as soon as you wake up, wipe the wrinkles of the back of the body with a 5 cm diameter cotton swab moistened and squeezed in a sitting position. Place the contaminated cotton swab in a disposable bag or special container. Wash your hands thoroughly before and after the procedure.

Before the test, usually No special training is requiredHowever, there are situations when a parasitological examination of feces should not be performed:

  • 10 days after radiological contrast examination of the gastrointestinal tract with barium porridge;
  • During antibiotic therapy or within 14 days of therapy;
  • When taking or receiving mineral oils, bismuth, anti-diarrhea and laxatives 7 days.






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