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Mycoplasma genitalium/Mycoplasma hominis pjr

Known as: Mycoplasma genitalium / Mycoplasma Hominis
SKU: 1687

Original price was: ₾100.00.Current price is: ₾90.00.

Study material: urine, urogenital smear
Response time (working days): 1 ****
The test is done on an empty stomach: no
Home call service: No.
Country: Georgia

General Information

📋 Smear can be taken:
"Synevo" in the Varketili branch. Miss: Sukhishvili N1,

Monday-Friday 10: 30-17: 00
Saturday 09: 00-14: 00


"Synevo" Dolidze branch. Miss: Dolidze N46

Monday-Friday 10: 30-17: 00
Saturday 09: 00-14: 00


"Synevo" in the Mickiewicz branch. Miss: Adam Mickiewicz N10,
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10:30 - 17:00


"Synevo" in the Batumi branch. Miss: Angis st. 2 (Vox building)
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 08:30 – 13:30
Saturday 09:00 – 14:00

The cost of taking a smear is 15 GEL

**** Test is done once a week - Friday

Mycoplasma genitalium Causes infection of the urinary and genital system to which it belongs Sexually Transmitted Infections To the group. Transmission of the infection occurs through unprotected sexual contact.

Molecular diagnostics is considered to be the most common method of diagnosing Mycoplasma genitalium infection - Polymerase chain reaction (PCR). This method allows the identification and appointment of treatment for Mycoplasma genitalium with high diagnostic sensitivity and specificity in a short time.


Mycoplasma Hominis

Mycoplasma  It plays an important role in the development of pelvic inflammatory diseases. It can be detected in amniotic fluid during premature labor, and has also been found in postpartum or postabortion fever.

Mycoplasma It practically does not occur in septic arthritis, pyelonephritis, intra-abdominal infections, wound infections, endocarditis, central nervous system infections and pleuro-pneumonia.

Mycoplasma infection is spread through sexual contact. In men, it causes non-gonococcal urethritis.  Mycoplasma Increases the risk of fallopian tubes, which is the cause of infertility.

When should we take the test?

  • Exclusion of Mycoplasma genitalium as a clinical cause of cervicitis, salpingitis, endometritis (in women), epididymitis (in men), urethritis, proctitis;
  • Exclusion of Mycoplasma genitalium in all cases of infertility (men and women);
  • Exclusion of Mycoplasma genitalium in the presence of a confirmed diagnostics of other sexually transmitted infections;
  • Monitor the effectiveness of treatment (no earlier than 3 weeks after the end of treatment).

Possible interpretation of the results

Identified in the study material Mycoplasma genitalium:

Mycoplasma genitalium is the etiologic cause of clinical manifestations.

In research material Mycoplasma genitalium Not revealed:

  • Infection is not noted;
  • Mycoplasma genitalium cannot be detected in the study material;
  • Small amount of pathogen (its level is below analytical susceptibility);
  • False-negative result in the presence of PCR test inhibitors in the study material.

Product description

Mycoplasma genitalium causes inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract - urethritis - in men and women, and cervicitis and vaginosis in women. In some cases, the infection can cause pelvic inflammatory disease.

  1. genitalium is found in 13.6% of men who report symptoms of urethritis (in 88% of cases it is found to be the sole causative agent), while in women with symptoms of urethritis and / or cervicitis is found in 12,3% of cases M. genitalium (cases In 93,7% is found as the only causative agent).

Symptoms vary by condition:

Urethritis - Pain and burning when urinating, itching and irritation, heaviness in the testicles (in men);

Cervicitis, vaginosis - Vaginal discharge, pain during intercourse, bleeding after intercourse, bleeding between regular menstrual periods;

Pelvic inflammatory disease - May develop in women with genital infections. Complaints include heaviness and pain in the lower abdomen and spine, and sometimes fever that may develop simultaneously with symptoms of cervicitis and vaginosis. Infection can lead to infertility, premature birth and miscarriage;

Molecular diagnostics is considered to be the most common method of diagnosing Mycoplasma genitalium infection - Polymerase chain reaction (PCR). This method allows the identification and appointment of treatment for Mycoplasma genitalium with high diagnostic sensitivity and specificity in a short time.

Research material

Recommended for PCR diagnostics:

  • In men The first part of the morning urine is using. This is the most optimal material in which case the diagnostic sensitivity reaches 85% -95%.
  • Consumption of the first part of urine in women has a lower diagnostic sensitivity (about 80-90%) than in men, so in the case of women Urogenital smear Recognized as the most optimal material for testing. The study of the first part of the urine in women can be used in situations where it is difficult to take a smear from the vagina and cervix (for example, in pregnant women) or in the face of a cystitis clinic (including chronic). It is the most optimal time to examine women The fourth week from the first day of the last menstrual period.
  • You can pick up a smear brush and Eppendorf with transport fluid at Synevo branches.
  • To take a smear, contact a doctor-specialist (urologist, gynecologist).

The research material should be brought to the laboratory by 13:00.

How to prepare for the test?

Before taking smear:

  • Do not use a vaginal shower;
  • It is recommended to abstain from sexual intercourse for at least 24-48 hours;
  • Do not urinate directly before smearing;
  • Contraceptive use should be discontinued three days in advance;
  • The smear is taken 24-48 hours after the colposcopy and 24 hours after the vaginal ultrasound examination;


  • Perform external genital hygiene procedures without the use of soap and other detergents;
  • The test may be performed no earlier than 10-14 days after completion of antibacterial, antifungal, or topical antiseptics;
  • It is recommended to perform the test during ovulation or in the presence of symptoms of inflammatory disease of the urogenital tract.
  • Examination isn't performing during menstrual bleeding.
  • The examination is performing 2 weeks after taking preparations containing microorganisms (probiotics, eubiotoc).

Testing process

Purchase a test Submission of material

Purchase a test

Submission of material

Results Online Consult a doctor

Results Online

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