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Silver | Hg (blood)

Known as: Mercury, Hg
SKU: 751


Study material: Venous blood
Response time (working day): 14
The test is done on an empty stomach: Yes
Home call service: Yes
Country: EU

Additional information

 mercury (Hg, mercury)

Heavy metals exist naturally in the environment. They can be found in some medicines, foods, nutritional supplements. In normal amounts, some of them are necessary for conducting a number of biological processes. Chemicals for industrial use also contain heavy metals, the contact of which with soil, air, water - brings serious consequences for health.

Heavy metal poisoning can cause organ damage, behavioral abnormalities, and mental problems. Heavy metal poisoning in children causes long-term, serious problems.

  • CNS damage
  • Kidney dysfunction
  • Gastrointestinal ulcers
  • Hepatotoxicity



  • Thiol binding
  • Inactivation of enzymes
  • Origin of oxidative radicals
  • Reduction of water molecule transport proteins
  • Inhibition of glutathione peroxidase

Mercury exists in three forms: metallic (Hg0), inorganic (Hg+, Hg2+) and organic mercury (methyl or ethylmercury). Elemental (metallic) mercury is liquid at room temperature, volatile and produces vapors that are dangerous to health if inhaled in large concentrations. It crosses the blood-brain and placental barriers and is much more toxic than inorganic mercury.

The organic mercury methylmercury (Me-Hg) or ethylmercury (Et-Hg) is much more toxic than its inorganic compounds. It is easily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Mercury compounds are widely used in metallurgy, especially gold mining, as well as in industrial processes, such as the production of fluorescent lamps.

Methyl and ethylmercury compounds are used as fungicides in plant protection products. In the past, mercury was used in the production of some medicinal drugs - diuretics and disinfectants, but today they have been replaced by safer means. Mercuric chloride is an active ingredient in skin lightening creams, soaps, and freckle removers. HgCl2 irreversibly inhibits melanin tyrosinase and ensures reduction of melanin accumulation.

Inorganic mercury compounds accumulate in the kidneys. They do not have the ability to cross the blood-brain and placental barriers.

 Research material

The research material is selected depending on which metal is being tested and how long it was exposed to (short-term, long-term). Urine and blood are the most common test materials. To diagnose chronic intoxication, it is sometimes necessary to study nails and hair.

 How to prepare for the test?

Some foods (fish, crustaceans) and medicines may contain heavy metals, so it is not recommended to take such products and medicines for 48 hours before the study.

 Interpretation of answers

A higher than normal concentration of heavy metals in the blood may be a sign of severe intoxication, but not always. Even in the absence of symptoms, it is necessary to find a source of intoxication to reduce toxic exposure. Depending on the need, chelation (binding) therapy is also prescribed. Chelation therapy is usually accompanied by serious side effects, so the question of treatment should be decided by a doctor based on an assessment of risks and benefits.

A normal or low concentration of heavy metals in the blood indicates the absence of intoxication. However, some heavy metals quickly leave the bloodstream and accumulate in tissues. Therefore, in the presence of symptoms, despite the detection of a low concentration of heavy metals in the blood, sometimes additional studies are necessary - skin, hair, nails and other tissues.

Testing process

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