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Human Herpes Virus Type 7 (HHV7) Antibodies

Known as: Human Herpes Virus Type 7 (HHV7) | Antibodies
SKU: 1518


Study material: Venous blood
Response time (working day): 14
The test is done on an empty stomach: no
Home call service: Yes
Country: EU

General Information

Human herpesvirus type 7 (HHV-7) was isolated from CD4 lymphocytes of a healthy person with exanthema subitem.

It represents of β-herpesviruses subfamily, Roseoloviruses Genus viruses that are homologous to human herpesvirus type 6.

More than 80% of the population has anti-human herpesvirus type 7 antibodies in their serum. HHV-7 infection develops later than type 6 infection. 18% of children are infected in the first year of life, and in 2-year-old children, the infection reaches 53%. The disease develops between 2 and 5 years of age. The spread of the infection is mainly through the saliva droplets of the infected person.

After transmission of infection, HHV-7 virus is detected in CD4 positive T lymphocytes, epithelial cells of salivary glands, skin and lung cells.

The virus is also found in breast milk, and remains in high concentrations in the saliva of both children and adults throughout life.

The primary infection may be asymptomatic or progress with fever (40 0 C), with febrile heartburn, rarely - diarrhea, vomiting and symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection.

The HHV-7 virus also causes "sudden eruptions" (as does herpesvirus type 6, although less frequently).

The HHV-7 virus can cause encephalitis (inflammation of the brain substance) in both immunocompetent and immunocompromised individuals.

The diagnostics of HHV-7 infection is confirmed by the presence of IgM antibodies (in the acute stage) or the development of IgG antibodies (subacute form, or after viral infection).

In the absence of antibodies, infection is detected by PCR testing of viral DNA in serum or plasma. DNA detection indicates the acute stage of the disease.

When is the survey conducted?

When human herpesvirus type 7 (HHV-7) infection is suspected

preliminary preparation – no need

Research material -  Venous blood

Reference norms – HHV-7 antibody titer negative

Interpretation of results

The detection of HHV-7 antibodies or DNA in the serum indicates the active phase of the disease.

The detection of HHV-7 DNA in the cerebrospinal fluid indicates an infection in the central nervous system, although it does not have an absolute diagnostic value (there may be HHV-7 DNA in the cerebrospinal fluid also in patients without neurological syndromes)

A negative test result does not rule out the presence of the HHV-7 virus.

Product description

Testing process

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Submission of material

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Results Online

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