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Dog dander allergen (e5) | Specific antibodies IgE

Known as: Dog dander allergen
SKU: 348


Study material: Venous blood
Response time (working day): 14
The test is done on an empty stomach: no
Home call service: Yes
Country: EU

General Information

A dog dander allergy is caused by an immune reaction to proteins found in the animal's skin cells. The process is initiated by human contact with the dog's skin scales.

In the presence of this form of allergy, the best way to avoid it is to minimize contact with the animal. Anti-allergic treatment is necessary when symptoms develop





Itching and tearing of the eyes

stuffy nose

Itching of the skin of the nose and face

Nasal discharge


Swelling of the eyelids


Sometimes pet dander can cause or worsen asthma symptoms:

Difficulty breathing

Restriction of respiratory movements of the chest

Whistling wheezing in exhalation phase

Sleep disturbance due to breathing problems

Animal dander may also cause skin symptoms - in the form of allergic dermatitis. The basis of this form of dermatitis is an immune reaction. Typical symptoms are:



Itchy skin



Immunoglobulins specific to animal dander proteins are produced, which cause immune inflammation in tissues upon contact with an allergen. Long-term and regular contact with an allergen leads to the development of chronic immune inflammatory reactions.

Animal dander is small particles of dead, sloughed skin that remain suspended in the air for long periods of time and easily adhere to clothing and soft fabrics.


risk factors

Animal dander allergy is more common in people who have other forms of allergies or a family history of the disease. According to some studies, living with pets from an early age makes a child's immune system more resistant to animal allergens.




Long-term inflammatory process of the nasal mucosa, the nasal appendage helps to block the passages of the bowels and the development of chronic bacterial inflammatory process in the bowels.


People allergic to animal dander, diagnosed with asthma, find it quite difficult to stabilize their condition. With regular contact with animal dander, they are at risk of an asthma attack that requires immediate medical intervention.


Before getting dogs or other pets, you should make sure that you are not allergic to animal dander.


When should we take the test?

Prolonged allergic symptoms developed during interaction with animals definitely require timely diagnostics and, if necessary, discussion of treatment with a specialist doctor, especially in case of complications. If symptoms of asthma or anaphylaxis develop, immediate medical attention is required.


Product description

Testing process

Purchase a test Submission of material

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Submission of material

Results Online Consult a doctor

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