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Child Health Profile I & Parasitology

Known as: Child Health Profile I & Parasitology
SKU: 328


Research material: blood | feces
Response time (working day): 1
The test is done on an empty stomach: Yes
Home call service: Yes
Country: Georgia

General Information

Child Health Profile I & Parasitology, Given the age and stage of development of the child, provides information on problems developed during the growth process, such as Anemia, inflammatory and infectious processesStreptococcal infection and its complications, gastrointestinal problems, and other noteworthy conditions.

The profile includes the following 4 studies:

When should we take the test?

  • Conducting a profile study is appropriate if the child has symptoms characteristic of anemia, inflammatory and infectious processes, streptococcal infection and its complications, rheumatic diseases.
  • The research is carried out for prevention - Assessment of the general state of health of the child - In order.

Possible interpretation of the results

If the test reveals abnormalities, it may be necessary to use additional, other methods of diagnostics. For this, you must consult a specialist, who, taking into account the symptoms, will correctly select the appropriate examinations to make an accurate diagnostics.

Additional information

General Blood Analysis & Eds

The test may be done as part of a routine check-up to detect problems or because the child is not feeling well. Red blood cell, white blood cell, and platelet levels can inform your doctor about possible problems such as anemia, infections, inflammation, and more.

Red blood cells They contain hemoglobin, which carries oxygen to the tissues of the body and provides the red color of the blood. When the hemoglobin level is low, the baby may be pale and suffer from easy fatigue, his heart rate and respiratory rate may increase due to lack of oxygen.

Platelets Form blood clots that help stop bleeding in the event of a vascular injury. When the platelet count is low, bleeding easily develops. A child with a low platelet count may easily develop bruises or often have nosebleeds. Blood in the stool and urine is less common.

White blood cells

Neutrophils Fight infections caused by fungi and bacteria. Neutropenia (reduction in quantity) can be caused by a tumor process or by diseases, disorders, or infections that damage the bone marrow. In addition, some medications or conditions can cause neutropenia.

Lymphocytes They also protect the body from viral infections. Lymphocytopenia can be caused by an inherited syndrome, be associated with certain diseases, or be a side effect of medications or other treatments.

Monocytes Promote the removal of dead or damaged tissue and regulate the body's immune response. Infections, tumors, autoimmune diseases and other conditions can lead to an increase in the number of monocytes. The reduction in quantity can be the result of toxins, chemotherapy and other causes.

Eosinophilia (Increase in the number of eosinophils) can be caused most often by an allergic reaction or a parasitic infection.

Of basophils Decreases in quantity may be caused by allergic reactions or infection. Increased number - with a tumor process or other disorders.

C Reactive Protein (CRP)

The test is done when the child has signs of inflammation or infection or in the case of diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease, arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus. CRP is also prescribed to monitor the treatment of infection and inflammation.

Antistreptolysin O

The antistreptolysin O titer (ASLO) is a blood test used to diagnose group A streptococcal infection. It is used not to diagnose an ongoing streptococcal infection, but to treat symptoms that may be caused by a previous streptococcal infection that has not been treated or complications of that infection.

Complications are most common in children Scarlet fever; which is treated with antibiotics. It is accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • A red rash that looks like a sunburn.
  • Red lines around the chest, arms, elbows, knees and neck.
  • Reddened face with pale circle around mouth.
  • Red and bumpy tongue that may have previously been covered with a white coating.

Complications are common as well Rheumatic fever. Its symptoms usually begin about one to five weeks after the baby is infected with streptococcus. Symptoms:

  • Inflammation of the joints which causes swelling, pain and redness;
  • Small, painless, hard bumps (nodules) under the skin, often on the bony areas;
  • Unusual, rapid movements, most often on the face and hands. This is often observed when changing a child's handwriting,
  • Red rash with strange edges on the torso, arms or legs;
  • Fever;
  • Lose weight;
  • Lack of energy (fatigue);
  • Stomach pain.

Among the complications as well Poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis, which can be manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Blood in the baby's urine (hematuria) - dark, brown urine;
  • Swelling around the eyes or feet;
  • Infrequent crying or cessation of crying altogether;
  • High blood pressure (hypertension), which causes headaches;
  • Easily tired;
  • Protein in urine (proteinuria);

Parasitological examination (stool)

Examination of a stool sample can provide valuable information about problems with the stomach, intestines, rectum, or other parts of the gastrointestinal tract.

Research is especially advisable if the child has a possible Parasitic infection Symptoms such as prolonged diarrhea, blood or mucus in the stool, abdominal pain, nausea, headache, or fever, especially if the parasitic disease was reported at school or kindergarten, if the child recently drank contaminated water, or traveled to a developing country .


How to prepare for the test / rules of material collection

Blood sample Sampling, for profile studies, is essential on empty stomach , in the morning.

Feces Before parasitological examination, it should be noted that it is not advisable to conduct research:

  • 10 days after radiological contrast examination of the gastrointestinal tract with barium porridge;
  • During antibiotic therapy or within 14 days of therapy;
  • When taking or receiving mineral oils, bismuth, anti-diarrhea and laxatives 7 days.

Rules for collecting feces for research

  • Before collecting feces for research, you must first purchase a special container.
  • The baby should urinate before collecting feces (exclude the possibility of urine entering the stool). For research, feces should not contain impurities such as urine.
  • Stools should be collected in a specially prepared container for self-defecation.
  • Samples are taken from the middle of the fecal mass with a spoon placed in a special container to collect fecal material. 1/3 or 10-15 g of the vessel volume is sufficient for analysis. Feces.
  • The container should be tightly closed, placed in a clean bag and delivered to the laboratory center.
  • It is not allowed to deliver the feces obtained after the use of enemas, suppositories, castor oil or Vaseline oil to the laboratory for examination.



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