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Bile acids Laboratory research

Known as: bile acids
SKU: 959


Study material: Venous blood
Response time (working day): 14
The test is done on an empty stomach: no
Home call service: Yes
Country: EU

General Information


Research is used:
• To assess liver function during the damaging influence of chemical or other factors.
• Also, to assess the histological condition of the liver after a course of hepatitis C treatment.
• To evaluate extrahepatic cholestasis during pregnancy




Product description


Bile acids are produced in the liver by conjugation of cholesterol with glycine and taurine. It is concentrated in the gall bladder and excreted in the intestine after eating. In the lumen of the intestine, bile acids ensure the emulsification of fats (the breaking down of large molecules into smaller fat molecules) and the digestion process. 90% of the bile acids secreted in the intestinal lumen are reabsorbed.
An increase in the concentration of bile acids is a highly sensitive indicator of liver diseases, such as: liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, cholestasis, portal vein thrombosis, Bad-Chiar syndrome, cholangitis, Wilson's disease, hemochromatosis and others. In intestinal malabsorption syndrome, the increase of bile acids in the blood is not observed. Metabolic disorders of the liver, such as Gilbert's syndrome, Crigler-Najjar hereditary jaundice, Dabbin-Jones syndrome, etc., do not cause disturbances in the concentration of bile acids in the blood.


Material for examination: 

Venous blood

Referral norms

< or =10 μmol/L

Testing process

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Submission of material

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