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Antimuller Hormone (AMH)

Also known as: Muller's inhibitory factor
SKU: 2073

Original price was: ₾190.00.Current price is: ₾171.00.

Study material: Venous blood
Response time (working day): 1-2
The test is done on an empty stomach: Yes
Home call service: Yes
Country: Georgia

Additional information

  • of Antimueller Hormone (AMH) It is produced by the sterol cells of the testicles in men, and by the granulosa cells of the ovaries in women. One of the main functions of AMH is to ensure the formation of the sex determined by the chromosome set in the embryo.
  • It is known that in the early stages of development (up to 5-6 weeks) embryos of both sexes have Mullerian tubules. In male germs, the concentration of anti-Müllerian hormone is high, which causes the retrograde development of the Müllerian tubules and the formation of male genital organs. Anti-Müllerian hormone levels are very low in female fetuses, which is why the Müllerian tubules form the uterus, appendages, and upper part of the vagina.
  • If the male fetus has a mutation of the AMH or its receptor gene, then the process of retrograde development of the Müllerian tubules does not occur and the fetus simultaneously develops the reproductive organs characteristic of both sexes. At this time, at birth, the baby has male primary genital signs, and it is practically impossible to suspect pathology. This may be one of the reasons for male infertility.



Purpose and benefits of the test


AMH – ovary of reserve marker

Menopause forecast

Ovary granular-cellular  Cancer marker

 testicles function marker

in pediatrics: Determining sex

Puberty disorders (early/delayed)

Differential diagnostics of cryptorchidism and anarchy

Assessment of testicular tissue in boys.

In women: Identifying the causes of infertility;

assessment of ovarian reserve;

Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome risk assessment;

diagnostics of polycystic ovary syndrome;

Ovarian growths (granulomatous cell cancer marker);

monitoring the effectiveness and recurrence of ovarian granulomatous cell cancer treatment;

Prediction of the onset of menopause;

evaluation of ovarian reserve, with borderline and elevated FSH concentration;

determination of the term of appointment of replacement hormone therapy;

Control of ovarian reserves before and after surgery on the ovaries, after autotransplantation and chemotherapy.

In men: Identify the causes of infertility.


Patient preparation

You need to be fasting

Research material

Venous blood

Post-processing of material collection

centrifugation; If the test cannot be performed on the same day, the serum is stored at -20°C

sample volume

At least 0.5 ml of serum

Reasons for sample rejection

Intensely hemolytic pattern

sample stability

stored for 6 months at -20°C; Do not thaw/refreeze

method of operation

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ECLIA)


Reference norms and interpretation of results

Norms taking into account gender and age

Men: 1,43 – 11,6 ng/ml

Women: 20-24 years: 1.52- 9.95 ng/ml

25-29 years: 1.20-9.05 ng/ml

30-34 years: 0.711-7.59 ng/ml

35-39 years: 0.405 – 6.96 ng/ml

40-44 years: 0.059 – 4.44

45-50 years: 0.010 – 1.79 ng/ml

Polycystic ovary syndrome: 2,41-17,1 ng/ml.

Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome: 15.0 pmol/L (2.10 ng/mL)



How to prepare for the test?

It is desirable to be patient on empty stomach .


Possible interpretation of the results

Increase AMH level:


  • Polycystic ovary syndrome.
  • Ovarian granulomatous cell cancer
  • Premature sexual maturation


  • Delayed puberty;
  • Cryptorchidism;
  • Sertoli cell tumor

Decreased AMH levels:


  • Delayed puberty;
  • Decreased ovarian reserve;
  • During peri- and menopause;
  • Surgical menopause.


  • Mueller duct persistence syndrome;
  • Anorexia (gonadal immaturity);
  • Premature puberty.

Testing process

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