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Anemia Profile | Laboratory research

Known as: Anemia profile: ferritin, transferrin, iron, total blood with EDS.
SKU: 747

Original price was: ₾120.00.Current price is: ₾72.00.

Study material: Venous blood
Response time (working day): 1-2
The test is done on an empty stomach: Yes
Home call service: Yes
Country: Georgia

Product description

A profile study of anemia may be performed when the amount and quality of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood are in doubt, when there are symptoms or factors of anemia that lead to its detection.

The anemia profile includes 4 laboratory studies(Click on a specific product for more information on each parameter):

  1. Ferritin
  2. Transferrin
  3. Iron
  4. Total blood count & erythrocyte sedimentation rate (EDS)

General Information


Ferritin - A water-soluble complex of iron hydroxide with the protein apoferritin, found in liver, spleen, bone marrow cells, reticulocytes and small amounts of blood serum, where it performs the function of transporting iron.

Ferritin concentration depends on iron supply, so this indicator is used to diagnose and monitor iron deficiency or excess, and for the differential diagnostics of anemia.

Ferritin levels increase - Megaloblastic, sideroblastic, hemolytic anemias and other conditions;

Ferritin concentration decreases - In case of iron deficiency anemia, chronic diseases of various etiologies, acute bleeding and other pathologies. (See. Ferritin | Laboratory research



Transferrin Belonging to beta-globulins, it is synthesized mainly by parenchymal cells of the liver, in small quantities - in the central nervous system, ovaries, testicles and T-helpers. The synthesis of transferrin depends on the functional state of the liver, the supply of iron in the body and the need for iron.

The main function of transferrin is to transport the absorbed iron in the intestine to its depots (liver, spleen), reticulocytes, and their precursors in the bone marrow.

Only 25-40% of the total amount of transferrin in the human body contains iron. With iron deficiency in the body and decreased levels of iron in the blood serum, the transferrin content increases. A change in these rates is one of the most important signs of iron deficiency anemia. Similar changes are observed during pregnancy and childhood, but they are less pronounced. The increase in transferrin concentration in these cases is associated with an increase in its synthesis to meet the increased needs of the body.

Compared to iron in the blood serum, transferrin levels are more stable and less dependent on sex, age, and daily changes. (See. Transfer | Laboratory research)



Iron It is an essential element for the synthesis of hemoglobin and myoglobin, 70% of the iron in the body is bound by hemoglobin. It is also contained in small amounts in some enzymes, while the rest of the iron is stored in the body in the form of ferritin and hemosiderin (proteins that store iron in cells). In the blood it binds to transferrin (an iron transport protein) for transport.

Iron levels rise - during sideroblastic, hemolytic and aplastic anemias and other conditions. (See. Iron (Fe) | Laboratory research)


General blood analysis and eds

A complete blood count is used to assess general health. It can also be a diagnostic indicator for many diseases such as Anemia, Inflammatory conditions, leukemia and others.

Blood total and EDS analysis is done together and involves checking 20 morphological parameters of the blood and erythrocyte sedimentation rate or EDS.

This parameters:

  1. Leukocyte / white blood cell count (WBC)
  2. Erythrocyte / Red blood cell count (RBC)
  3. Hemoglobin Concentration (HGB)
  4. Hematocrit (HCT)

Erythrocyte Indexes:

  1. Mean erythrocyte volume (MCV)
  2. Average hemoglobin content (MCH) in erythrocytes
  3. Mean hemoglobin concentration in erythrocytes (MCHC)
  4. Erythrocyte Distribution Area (RDW)

Platelets Indicators:

  1. Platelet count (PLT)
  2. Average platelet volume (MPV)

Leukocyte Formula (Leukogram):

  1. Neutrophils% (NEUT%)
  2. Lymphocytes% (LYMPH%)
  3. Monocytes% (MONO%)
  4. Eosinophils% (EO%)
  5. Basophils% (BASO%)
  6. Absolute neutrophil count (NEUT Abs)
  7. Absolute Lymphocyte Index (LYMPH Abs)
  8. Absolute Monocyte Rate (MONO Abs)
  9. Absolute eosinophil count (EO Abs)
  10. Absolute Basophil Rate (BASO Abs)

Erythrocytes Sedimentation Speed - Eds- (ESR) - is directly proportional to the difference between erythrocyte mass, erythrocyte and plasma density and is inversely proportional to plasma viscosity.

Its changes in pathology have diagnostic and prognostic significance and it can be an indicator of the effectiveness of treatment. (See. General Blood Test & EDS)

Anemia For diagnostics, Your doctor will probably be interested, Especially Of red blood cells entering your bloodstream (Hematocrit) and hemoglobin levels.


When to conduct anemia profile squareLeva?

A profile study is conducted to diagnose anemia and to differentiate it according to the underlying cause.

Signs and symptoms of anemia vary depending on the cause and severity of the anemia. Due to the causes of anemia, the symptoms may not be present at all, but if they are detected, the following symptoms may appear:

  • Fatigue;
  • Weakness;
  • Pale or yellowish skin;
  • Irregular heartbeat;
  • ერის Air shortage;
  • Dizziness;
  • ტკივილიBrack pain;
  • Cold hands and feet;
  • headache;

At first the anemia may be so mild that you may not notice it, but the symptoms get worse as the anemia gets worse.

Therefore, in the presence of these symptoms, it is advisable to consult a doctor and conduct a profile study of anemia.

How to prepare for research?

  • The test is recommended in the morning, on empty stomach .
  • Alcohol intake, smoking, food intake, physical activity should be limited for 8-12 hours before the examination.
  • It is not recommended to take iron-containing medicines or iron supplements before testing.
  • Inform the laboratory about the medication.

Research material

Venous blood

Possible interpretation of the results

If the test reveals abnormalities, it may be necessary to use additional methods of diagnostics. For this, you must consult a specialist, who, taking into account the symptoms, will correctly select the appropriate examinations to make an accurate diagnostics.





Testing process

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