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Isoenzymes of alkaline phosphatase

Also known as: alkaline phosphatase isoenzymes
SKU: 759


Study material: Venous blood
Response time (working day): 14
The test is done on an empty stomach: Yes
Home call service: Yes
Country: EU

General Information

Alkaline phosphatase in serum

It is used: in the diagnostics of pathologies of the liver, bones, intestines and parathyroid glands.

Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) isoenzymes are classified into several groups, depending on the organ in which they are synthesized. These are: liver, kidney, bones, intestine, parathyroid glands, placenta and others.

The serum nitrogen phosphatase activity is the sum of the activities of the nitrogen phosphatase isoenzymes in these tissues.

Serum nitrogen phosphatase activity is an especially important marker for evaluating the state of the hepatobiliary and bone systems.

Tutephosphatase is an important bone marker because it is synthesized by bone cells and indicates increased activity of osteoblasts in diseases such as Paget's disease, rickets, osteomalacia, fractures, bone tumors.

A moderate increase in alkaline phosphatase can be observed in Hodgkin's disease, congestive heart failure, ulcerative colitis, regional enteritis, bacterial diseases of the abdominal cavity.

Total alkaline phosphatase

Total alkaline phosphatase is a combination of alkaline phosphatase synthesized by all tissues. Its half-life in serum is 17 days.

An increase in total alkaline phosphatase (3 times, compared to the norm) is observed in extrahepatic obstruction of the bile ducts (in the case of suffocation with stones or pancreatic head tumor). The higher the degree of obstruction, the higher the level of alkaline phosphatase. Simultaneous increase of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and gammaglutamyltransferase (GGT) is a sure sign of liver damage.

In bone pathologies, the highest ALP activity is observed in Paget's disease, which is associated with an imbalance between osteoblasts and osteoclasts. In osteoporosis, osteomalacia and rickets, a moderate increase in sodium phosphatase is observed.

Primary and secondary hyperparathyroidism are associated with moderate elevations of alkaline phosphatase. Higher activity may indicate the involvement of bone processes.

A moderate increase in alkaline phosphatase is also seen in children with acceleration of bone growth.


A moderate increase in alkaline phosphatase is observed in the third trimester of pregnancy, and the enzyme is mainly of placental origin.



Isoenzymes of alkaline phosphatase


Liver Nitrogen phosphatase is one of the isoenzymes synthesized in the biliary endothelium. It is sensitive to biliary tract obstruction and in response to increased concentration of bile acids, hepatic alkaline phosphatase synthesis is also activated.

An isolated increase in liver alkaline phosphatase indicates infiltrative diseases of the liver, such as: primary tumors, abscess, granuloma, amyloidosis, primary or sclerosing cholangitis, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, cholangitis associated with Ig G4 and others. In patients with sepsis, elevated ALP concentrations may be associated with progression of secondary sclerosing cholangitis to cirrhosis.

 Liver alkaline phosphatase 1AP isoenzyme An increase in activity is observed in non-malignant liver pathologies (cholestasis, viral hepatitis, other biliary pathologies). It is also increased in liver metastases and lymphomas of malignant tumors of the lung and digestive tract.

Liver alkaline phosphatase 2AP isoenzyme The increase is observed during cirrhosis and viral hepatitis, as well as during liver metastasis of breast, liver, lung, prostate, digestive tract tumors.

Enzyme levels may remain high for up to 1 week after the liver obstruction is resolved.

Alkaline phosphatase non-hepatic Forms include bone, intestinal, kidney and placenta isoenzymes. An increase in its concentration is observed in bone diseases, osteoblastic tumors, small intestine obstruction and normal pregnancy.

bone  Alkaline phosphatase isoenzymes are elevated in osteoblastic bone tumors (Paget's disease). A particularly high concentration of nitrogen phosphatase is characteristic of osteogenic carcinomas.

intestinal Isoenzyme activity may increase in patients with liver cirrhosis and inflammatory bowel disease.

Placental An increase in nitrogen phosphatase isoenzyme, together with carcino-placental antigen, is observed in various oncological diseases.

When should we take the test?

in bone diseases

In diseases of the liver, gall bladder and biliary tract

Unspecified abdominal pain

In pathologies of parathyroid glands

During vitamin D deficiency


Possible interpretation of the results

Alkaline phosphatase total and isozyme norms are different depending on age and sex.

Compared to children, adults have lower normal values; The bones of adults synthesize much more alkaline phosphatase, so research is almost never conducted on children unless absolutely necessary. By studying isoenzymes, it is determined which tissue's alkaline phosphatase is elevated.


An increase in alkaline phosphatase characterizes the following pathologies:

Obstruction of bile ducts

Bone diseases

bone fractures





Liver diseases


Osteoblastic bone tumors




A low concentration of alkaline phosphatase characterizes the following pathologies:




Pernicious anemia

Protein deficiency

Wilson's disease

Zinc deficiency




Study material: Venous blood

The test is performed on an empty stomach




Reference values

When interpreting research data, it is important to consider the patient's gender and age.

Additional information

The test includes:

Alkaline phosphatase common

Bone isoenzyme

Liver 1AP isoenzyme

Liver 2AP isoenzyme

Small intestinal isoenzyme




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