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Deaminated gliadin IgA

Also known as: deaminated gliadin IgA
SKU: 769


Study material: Venous blood
Response time (working day): 14
The test is done on an empty stomach: no
Home call service: Yes
Country: EU

General Information




The study determines the presence of deaminated gliadin antibodies in the blood. Gliadin is one of the main proteins of gluten. The study is used in the diagnostics of celiac disease.

In celiac disease, the immune system reacts inadequately to gluten taken with food, which is included in barley, rye, wheat, as well as some cosmetic and medical products and vitamins. When gluten is ingested, the immune response causes immune inflammation in the tissue of the small intestine. This causes damage to the intestinal canals and disruption of absorption processes - malnutrition. Complications of celiac disease include: bone loss, anemia, joint pain and others.

When should we take the test?



Prolonged diarrhea

weight loss

Abdominal bloating and pain



Ulcers on the oral mucosa

Brown rash


anxiety or depression

General weakness and fatigue


Any malabsorption and associated anemia should be investigated to rule out celiac disease and other chronic diseases of the digestive tract.

Possible interpretation of the results



A test for deaminated gliadin antibodies is negative when normal. If there is a high risk of celiac disease but the test is negative, additional tests may be needed to confirm or rule out the diagnostics.

A positive test result indicates the presence of celiac disease, although a biopsy is required to confirm the diagnostics.

Reference values

Other tests are used to diagnose celiac disease:

Tissue transglutaminase IgA

Endomysium IgA

General blood test

lipid profile

Thyroid hormones

Confirmation of the diagnostics of celiac disease often requires confirmation by examination of biopsy material.



Material for examination: Venous blood

Preliminary preparation: It is necessary to take gluten-containing food for several weeks before conducting the research, so as not to get a false negative antibody response.

Research is insufficiently informative in children under 2 years of age

Additional information


Protein of gluten.

Additional information

Testing process

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Submission of material

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