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Vitamin B2 | Laboratory research

Also known as: Vitamin B2
SKU: 736


Study material: Venous blood
Response time (working day): 14
The test is done on an empty stomach: Yes
Home call service: Yes
Country: EU

General Information



Also known as riboflavin. Vitamin B2 is present in the form of 2 coenzymes - mononucleotide flavin and dinucleotide adenine-flavin, which participate in antioxidant reactions.

The sources of vitamin B2 are milk and milk products, beef, chicken, fish and green vegetables (broccoli, satatsuri), cereals, bread enriched with riboflavin. Its absorption takes place in the small intestine (section of the small intestine).

Since the vitamin is included in many products, its deep deficiency is rare. A moderate deficiency may occur, but does not cause serious health problems. Vitamin B2 deficiency may occur along with thiamine (B1) and niacin (B3) deficiencies.

In the case of prolonged avitaminosis B2, it is observed: angular stomatitis (ulcers in the corners of the lips), cheilitis (inflammation of the lips), glossitis (inflammation of the tongue), seborrhoeic dermatitis, normocytic anemia, keratitis. Prolonged deficiency in children may cause developmental delay.

There are no confirmed data on the toxicity of vitamin B2.


When should we do the research? – In the presence of signs of vitamin B2 deficiency.

preliminary preparation –The research is carried out on an empty stomach, 12-14 hours after the last meal. (water can be taken before the study)

Research material - Venous blood

Referral norm: 180 – 295 ng/l

Interpretation of results

A reading below normal indicates a deficiency.

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Testing process

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