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Determination of hepatitis B virus DNA (viral load)

Known as: Hepatitis B virus DNA determination
SKU: 731


Study material: Venous blood
Response time (working day): 14
The test is done on an empty stomach: no
Home call service: Yes
Country: EU

General Information

Diagnosis of acute or chronic hepatitis B infection is based on the detection of serological markers, such as: hepatitis B virus surface S antigen (HBVSAg), hepatitis B virus COR antigen IgM antibodies, determination of hepatitis B virus DNA.

However, acute and chronic HBV infection is diagnosed by serological methods, DNA determination is necessary:

  • For early diagnostics in the acute stage of the disease
  • To differentiate between active and inactive forms of HBV
  • To monitor anti-HBV treatment


The presence of DNA of hepatitis B virus in the blood serum is a marker of active reproduction of the virus.

The level of HBV DNA in the blood is maximal at the peak of the acute period of the disease, then gradually decreases. In acute HBV, when the surface antigen test is equivocal, DNA testing helps to confirm the diagnostics.

When should we take the test?

In the body of patients infected with hepatitis B virus, sometimes the complete elimination of the virus does not occur and they remain positive for HBVsAg (surface antigen). Such a condition is classified as:

  • chronically active HBV infection – At this time, the virus is replicating (multiplying) in the body. The patient is HBV e-antigen positive (HBeAg). The level of viral DNA in the serum is high
  • chronically inactive HBV Infection - At this time, the virus does not replicate in the body. The patient is negative for HBV e-antigen (HBeAg). The level of viral DNA in serum is low.

Determination of viral DNA is important to identify the status of chronic hepatitis. Patients with chronic active hepatitis B are at increased risk of further complications of liver damage.

In reactivation of chronic inactive HBV infection (HBeAg-negative), sometimes the E antigen of the virus (a marker of viral replication) may not appear in the serum. That's why hepatitis B virus DNA testing is essential for virus detection and quantification.


Possible interpretation of the results

Quantitative range of study includes 10 to 1 IU/mL

A value < 10 IU/ml is negative, that is, virus DNA was either not found in the sample, or was detected in a minimal amount, which cannot be determined more precisely by quantitative methods. If there is a clinical need, it is recommended to repeat the study in 1-2 months.

Additional information

The test is used for hepatitis B virus monitoring - detection and quantification of the virus in patients with confirmed chronic hepatitis B.

Testing process

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