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Bacteriological examination of the oral cavity

Known as: bacteriological examination of the oral cavity
SKU: 5900

Original price was: ₾85.00.Current price is: ₾76.50.

Research material: Oral smear
Response time (working day): 3
The test is done on an empty stomach: Yes
Home call service: Yes
Country: Georgia

General Information

Bacteriological examination of the oral cavity is a microbiological study that determines the presence of specific pathogenic microflora on the oral mucosa.

Pathogenic flora of the mouth causes both local periodontal disease and chronic systemic inflammatory processes. A large number of pathogenic microbes in the oral cavity are associated with such diseases as: diabetes, heart diseases, Alzheimer's disease, tumors, rheumatoid arthritis, intestinal dysfunction - with impaired food absorption, pregnancy complications, strokes and others.


Bacteriological examination of the oral cavity includes the following pathogens:

Viridans group streptococci,

Streptococcus groups A, C and G,

staphylococcus aureus,


Candida spp.


Streptococcus viridans It belongs to the group of gram-positive alpha-hemolytic streptococci, which is typically found in the mouth and throat, on the epithelial surfaces of the mouth, teeth, skin, and surfaces of the human gastrointestinal and genital systems. A serious infectious process develops if this group spreads to other regions of the body. When Streptococcus viridans enters the bloodstream, it causes endocarditis. Risk groups include immunocompromised people and people with heart pathologies.



Weakness and fatigue


weight loss

breathing problems

Cardiac problems in endocarditis




A Group beta hemolytic streptococcus (Streptococcus pyogenes)

It is transmitted by air-droplet. It causes two forms of the disease: non-invasive (does not enter the bloodstream) and invasive (intrudes into the bloodstream).

Options for non-invasive infection are:

  • Angina – streptococcal pharyngitis
  • Impetigo is a contagious skin infection that causes sores and blisters
  • Cough – causes sore throat and specific rash.


Invasive infection is rarer and occurs when type A streptococcus enters the bloodstream or other organs. As a result, it develops:

  • Pneumonia
  • Bacteremia
  • Necrotizing fasciitis - damages deep tissue structures.

Without treatment, type A strep can lead to rheumatoid arthritis, joint, kidney, and skin damage.




C და G group streptococci As a rule, they are part of the normal microbiota (flora) of the human mouth and throat, however, they are considered to be potential triggers for the development of streptococcal pharyngitis. Group C and G streptococci enter the human body through contaminated food and drink (especially eggs and dairy products). The symptoms of developing pharyngitis are the same as those of group A streptococcal infection. Group C and G streptococci are not associated with rheumatoid arthritis.



Staphylococcus Aurea Oral infection caused by Staphylococcus aureus is rare. These bacteria colonize the skin and nasal cavity. It is believed that almost 30% of people are asymptomatic carriers of staphylococcus in the nasal cavity.


  • Swelling and redness of the mucous membrane of the mouth
  • Burning and pain in the mouth
  • Unilateral or bilateral inflammation of the corners of the lips (cheilitis)


Rarely, it also causes a dental abscess. A dental abscess is a pocket of pus that usually develops around a tooth.

In case of complications, develops:

  • Bacteremia – multiplication of bacteria in the blood. If bacteremia is not treated, septic shock develops.
  • Toxic shock syndrome is the result of exposure to toxins secreted by staphylococcus. Causes: fever, nausea-vomiting, diarrhea, pains, rashes and others.
  • Ludwig's angina: is a bacterial inflammation of the tissues of the floor of the mouth. It is often carried out after complications of the purulent process of the tooth. Symptoms include: severe pain, swelling of the tongue and lower jaw tissues, difficulty swallowing and breathing, fever, weakness



Enterobacter Enterobacteriaceae is a facultative anaerobic, gram-negative, scholastic bacterium. does not produce spores. Its virulence (ability to exhibit pathogenic properties) depends on a number of factors. Like other gram-negative enterobacilli, it adheres to host cells

Beta-lactamase activity ensures its resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics.

Enterobacter spp are often associated with hospital-acquired infections


Candida It belongs to the type of yeast fungi that lives on the surface of the human skin and in body cavities, such as: mouth, throat, intestines, vagina and does not show any pathological manifestations; However, in cases where there is a weakening of the immune system, or there are contributing environmental factors (antibiotic therapy, steroid therapy, etc.), candida begins to multiply intensively and cause a fungal infection.

Oral and throat candidiasis is the most common. Esophageal candidiasis occurs in HIV-infected individuals.



  • White plaques on the mucous membrane of the cheek and throat, palate, nose, tongue
  • Pain and redness of the mucous membranes
  • Decreased taste perception
  • Pain during eating and swallowing
  • Damage to the corners of the lips - cracks, ulcers



Candidiasis of the oral cavity and throat often develops in people who

  • They wear dental prostheses
  • They are suffering from diabetes
  • They are sick with cancer
  • are suffering from HIV/AIDS
  • Long-term use of antibiotics or corticosteroids (including inhalation)
  • They take medications that cause dryness of the oral mucosa
  • There are smokers


 Preparation of the patient: Do not use antiseptic mouthwash for at least 8 hours before taking the swab. It is necessary for the doctor to have information about antibiotic therapy, steroid therapy, or other conditions that may affect the results of the analysis.

Material for examination: Oral mucosa smear

When should we take the test?

  • Caries of teeth
  • Gingivitis (inflammation of the gums)
  • The presence of purulent pockets
  • Oral mucosal ulcers
  • Recurrent stomatitis
  • antibiotic therapy
  • Steroid therapy


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