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Cadmium | Cd (blood)

Also known as: Cadmium
SKU: 1228


Study material: Venous blood
Response time (working day): 14
The test is done on an empty stomach: Yes
Home call service: Yes
Country: EU

Additional information

developed disorders

  • Degenerative bone diseases
  • Kidney diseases
  • Liver damage
  • Gastrointestinal injuries
  • lung damage
  • Disruption of zinc and copper metabolism


  • Dysregulation of gene expression
  • inhibition of apoptosis
  • Suppression of reparative (restorative) processes
  • Oxidative stress
  • Formation of oxidative radicals
  • Disruption of phosphorylation chain reactions
  • Parathyroid hormone decrease in the blood

Cadmium is found in soil and water in the form of sulfates, sulfides, chlorides, carbonates and other salts. An increase in its concentration in the environment is usually the result of improper management of industrial processes. Cadmium entering the body through contaminated water, food or air causes both short-term and long-term toxic effects - depending on the exposure time and dose. Cadmium, like chromium, is classified as a carcinogen of the first group. Cadmium dust causes much more severe intoxication than ingestion through contaminated food or water. As a result of chronic inhalation of cadmium dust, diseases and tumors of lung, kidney, bone and other organ systems develop in people working in glass production, metal alloys, electric batteries and galvanizing processes.

Cases of mass contamination of food and water reservoirs with cadmium (in Japan) have been described, after which the patients developed bone degenerative processes, kidney failure, lung and gastrointestinal system injuries.

The concentration of cadmium in the blood of smokers is almost twice as high as that of non-smokers, which is probably related to the accumulation of cadmium (and other heavy metals) in tobacco leaves.

In the body, cadmium is bound by metalloproteins, which in this way ensure their "harmlessness". But, with high concentration of cadmium in the body, the concentration of unbound cadmium also increases and its toxic effect is revealed. Bioaccumulation of cadmium mainly occurs in the liver and kidneys, which leads to carcinogenic processes in these organs. Like other metals, cadmium has the ability to connect with plasma protein - albumin; This disturbs the balance of calcium, zinc and iron in the plasma and causes the development of diseases associated with it. The pronounced osteotoxicity of cadmium (toxic effect on bone tissue) should be due to parathyroid hormone dysfunction and related calcium metabolism disorders.

Research material

The research material is selected depending on which metal is being tested and how long it was exposed to (short-term, long-term). Urine and blood are the most common test materials. To diagnose chronic intoxication, it is sometimes necessary to study nails and hair.

How to prepare for the test?

Some foods (fish, crustaceans) and medicines may contain heavy metals, so it is not recommended to take such products and medicines for 48 hours before the study.

Interpretation of answers

A higher than normal concentration of heavy metals in the blood may be a sign of severe intoxication, but not always. Even in the absence of symptoms, it is necessary to find a source of intoxication to reduce toxic exposure. Depending on the need, chelation (binding) therapy is also prescribed. Chelation therapy is usually accompanied by serious side effects, so the question of treatment should be decided by a doctor based on an assessment of risks and benefits.

A normal or low concentration of heavy metals in the blood indicates the absence of intoxication. However, some heavy metals quickly leave the bloodstream and accumulate in tissues. Therefore, in the presence of symptoms, despite the detection of a low concentration of heavy metals in the blood, sometimes additional studies are necessary - skin, hair, nails and other tissues.

Testing process

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