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Iron Fe | Laboratory research

Known as: Iron Fe | Laboratory research
SKU: 1052


Study material: Venous blood
Response time (working day): 1
The test is done on an empty stomach: Yes
Home call service: Yes
Country: Georgia

General Information

Iron (Fe) It is an essential element for the synthesis of hemoglobin and myoglobin, 70% of the iron in the body is bound by hemoglobin. It is also contained in small amounts in some enzymes, while the rest of the iron is stored in the body in the form of ferritin and hemosiderin (proteins that store iron in cells). In the blood it binds to transferrin (an iron transport protein) for transport.

Absorption of iron in food occurs from the gastrointestinal tract in a maximum amount of 2 mg daily. In healthy people, iron absorption compensates for its loss through feces, urine, bile, intestinal epithelial cells, skin, sweat, and menstrual blood, which helps maintain iron homeostasis.

The total concentration of iron in the serum is about 20% higher in the morning than in the evening.

In women, iron levels are usually lower than in men and depend on the phase of the menstrual cycle. Iron levels in both sexes decrease with age.

When should we take the test?

  • Various types of anemia (iron deficiency anemia);
  • Iron overload - hemochromatosis;
  • Iron poisoning.

When symptoms characteristic of iron deficiency are observed:

  • Easily tired;
  • pallor
  • Accelerated heart rate;
  • Brittle, dry hair and nails;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Eye drops.
  • Tingling in the limbs;
  • Cold limbs.

Testing is recommended before starting blood transfusions or iron replacement therapy.

The test is prescribed by a doctor

Possible interpretation of the results

Increased iron levels:

  • Thalassemia;
  • Sideroblastic anemia;
  • Hemolytic anemia;
  • Aplastic anemia;
  • Idiopathic hemochromatosis;
  • Myelodysplastic syndromes;
  • Excessive intake of iron supplements;
  • Frequent blood transfusions;
  • Use of oral contraceptives;
  • Acute iron poisoning;
  • Acute liver damage;
  • Acute renal failure;

Iron deficiency:

Iron deficiency causes microcytic anemia (reduction in the size of red blood cells) and can be associated with situations such as:

  • Insufficient supply of iron (vegetarianism, malnutrition);
  • Iron malabsorption (decrease in gastric acidity, gastric resection, malabsorption syndrome, diarrhea, gastrointestinal surgery);
  • Chronic iron loss in the gastrointestinal tract (tumors, inflammatory bowel disease);
  • Increased demand for iron (pregnancy, lactation);
  • Excessive gynecological bleeding;
  • Prolonged inflammation in chronic diseases;
  • Nephrotic syndrome.

It is important to know that Iron deficiency anemia, Very often, is a secondary process caused by other major diseases. For this reason, it is recommended to differentiate the causes of anemia and search for the source before starting additional therapy.

Additional information

How to prepare for the test?

  • The test is recommended in the morning on an empty stomach when iron levels are highest.
  • Lack of sleep, extreme stress, and taking iron-containing medications or iron supplements are not recommended prior to testing.


Testing process

Purchase a test Submission of material

Purchase a test

Submission of material

Results Online Consult a doctor

Results Online

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