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Poplar tree allergen What we need to know

The poplar tree is a widespread plant on earth. Its various species are found in almost every region. In the spring it profusely produces cotton-like seeds, which are profusely dispersed by the current of air. Allergies are not caused by macroscopic cotton-like growths, but by microscopic dust that penetrates deep into the respiratory tract and causes sensitization.

Pollination of poplar trees lasts from the end of March to the end of May and causes annoying complaints in patients allergic to its pollen.







Itchy eyes

Allergic rash

Exacerbation of symptoms in asthmatic patients


It is an interesting fact that patients with poplar tree allergy sometimes develop a cross-reaction to such fruits and vegetables as: apples, plums, cherries, apricots, peaches, figs, watermelons, oranges, tomatoes, cucumbers, broccoli, cabbage, zucchini and others. This is due to the content of the same protein against which the immune reaction is carried out.

Poplar allergy is not always easy to diagnose because it coincides with other pollinosis (plant pollen allergies) seasons. Allergies to houseplants should also be considered. The best way to determine an allergen is to perform allergy tests - on all possible allergens.



Treatment and recommendations

The best way to prevent an allergic reaction is to minimize contact with it. Polynoses rarely allow this, but there are some recommendations:

  • Check the amount of dust. It is especially abundant in windy weather, so avoid leaving the house.
  • During the allergy season, it is better to leave the house in the evening, because the amount of dust is maximum in the morning and afternoon.
  • During the period of seasonal allergies, clean the house more often than usual.
  • Prune poplar branches as much as possible in the spring
  • Change bed linen and outerwear frequently to remove dust particles.
  • Take a shower or wash your face and hands after returning from the street.
  • Avoid eating the above foods that have cross-allergic reactions with poplar tree allergens.

Reducing the contact with the allergen does not constitute absolute protection against the development of an allergic reaction, therefore desensitizing treatment is required, the plan and dosage of which is decided by a specialist.


How to prepare for the test 

It does not require specific preparation


Research material 

Venous blood

Poplar tree allergy for diagnostics "anger" Offers  Laboratory tests, which can be booked both on-site and online:


See here: 






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