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Post-Covid analyzes

👩 🔬Evaluation of Covid-19 post-infection syndrome.
☝️Check your health status
And find out what effect Covid-19 virus infection has had on him.
📱Learn more, book a visit and order a profile online with -50% discount:
🧪Postcorona Main Panel:
🧪Postcorona Extended Panel:
🧪"Kovid-19" prophylactic panels:
✅For detailed information, contact us on the hotline and / or write to us on our Facebook page.
️ ️🔥Hotline: 032 239 38 33 (Call from 8.30 - 23.00)
(I.e.🏠You can also use the home call service. From 9:00 to 23:00
????(I.e.Health care starts with accurate tests!
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