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Monkeypox That's what we need to know

What is a monkey flower?

Monkey flower - Viral disease of animals and humans. Symptoms Flower Similar, though less acute. Is challenging Monkeypox Virus, which is a member of the same family as the flower and Beef flower Causing viruses. The monkey flower was first discovered in 1958 in a laboratory experiment In monkeys.

The disease is mainly found in countries in central and western Africa, which are located near tropical forests. Studies have shown that two major strains of the virus are prevalent - West African and Central African.

What are the symptoms of a monkey flower?

In humans, the disease develops about two weeks after infection. The patient has fever, headache, edema, back and muscle pain. As the temperature rises, the patient develops a rash that starts on the face and spreads to other parts of the body including the palms of the hands and feet.

The rash, which can cause severe pain and itching, goes through several stages. The rash is initially nodular, then becomes vesicular, mucous, and in the last stage forms scabs, which eventually peel off from the body. The illness usually lasts from 12 to 21 days.

How is the virus delayed?

Humans can be infected through animal bites or direct contact with infected body fluids. Also from contact with animals such as monkeys, rodents and squirrels, and / or from items contaminated with the virus, such as infected patient's bedding and clothing. It can be spread from person to person through prolonged close contact, usually between family members.

Treatment and current epidemiological condition:

Treatment is limited to partial relief of symptoms. Epidemics are prevented by isolating patients and maintaining strict hygiene around them. Vaccination with the flower vaccine can provide some protection against people who may be exposed to the virus, such as veterinarians and other breeders.

The current detection of the virus is atypical as it occurs in countries where the virus is not normally prevalent. Researchers are now trying to figure out what the current cases are, whether anything has changed in the virus.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has confirmed 1285 cases of the "Monkeypox" virus in 28 countries around the world, the UN health agency said on June 8. Most cases have been reported in the UK, Portugal and Spain, as well as Canada and Australia. One case has been identified in Boston and U.S. health experts expect more cases to be identified. Georgia has not been on the list so far, but the National Center for Disease Control confirmed the first case of "monkey flower" in Georgia in June.


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