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"Leaky gut" syndrome (Leaky Gut Syndrom) | What we need to know

"Leaky" bowel syndrome is a condition based on increased permeability of the intestinal wall.

The intestinal wall of humans (and all mammals) is partially permeable to one or another substance. The intestinal lining is designed to absorb water and nutrients. In some cases, a condition occurs when more substances "leak" through the intestinal wall than necessary.

Studies have proven that people with chronic gastrointestinal diseases have "leaky gut syndrome". This leads to the absorption of large and potentially toxic molecules from the gut, creating a problem of sensitization of the immune system.

Increased permeability of the intestinal wall is not only a symptom of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, but also a condition that develops independently. When the intestinal barrier function is disrupted and toxic substances enter the blood stream, this leads to the development of an inflammatory and/or immune response, which can manifest as various diseases.


What diseases are associated with "leaky gut syndrome"?

Changes in the permeability of the intestinal wall characterize a number of inflammatory and autoimmune diseases that affect the digestive system, including irritable bowel syndrome, celiac disease, and others. In the case of these pathologies, the change in the permeability of the intestinal wall is more a result of the chronic inflammatory process in the intestine, which is followed by a violation of the intestinal barrier function.

Cases have been described when changes in the permeability of the intestinal wall were detected long before the diagnostics of these diseases, which can be considered an early symptom of the development of the mentioned diseases.

Chronic, low-intensity inflammation may be one of the factors in the development of such diseases as: metabolic disorders, obesity, diabetes, arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, asthma, fibromyalgia and others.

In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which cause an increase in the permeability of the intestinal wall, a high level of bacterial toxins is recorded in the blood stream. Under these conditions, bacterial toxins worsen the inflammatory condition. Also, the products of bacterial activity, which are absorbed from the intestine and enter the liver through the bloodstream, do not directly cause, but provoke (contribute to) the development of liver diseases.


Who is affected by changes in the permeability of the intestinal wall?

The increased permeability of the intestinal wall is the result of damage to the barrier function, although it is not so easily realized. The protective layer of the intestinal epithelium is multi-layered and any damage is accompanied by a self-renewal process. In order for the intestinal barrier to be seriously damaged, a long-term aggressive effect on it is necessary, such as: chronic inflammatory diseases, long-term intake of certain groups of drugs or narcotics, the influence of radiotherapy and others. The effects of exposure to everyday factors such as stress and dietary patterns weaken the intestinal barrier function, causing or exacerbating chronic inflammation, making it more permeable and causing symptoms.


How does leaky gut affect health?

 Patients who probably have increased permeability of the intestinal wall often have gastro-intestinal complaints: abdominal pain, bloating, digestive disorders, increased sensitivity to specific foods, and others. These symptoms can have many causes.

Damage to the intestinal barrier function certainly disrupts the digestive and immune processes of the gastrointestinal tract.

Increased intestinal permeability is most often associated with the following conditions:

  • Inflammatory bowel diseases and celiac disease
  • Intestinal lesions associated with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome ( HIV / AIDS)
  • Chemo and radiotherapy that disrupt the integrity of the intestinal mucosa
  • Long-term and inappropriate use of alcohol and anti-inflammatory non-steroids
  • Food allergies, which cause immune inflammatory reactions in the intestinal tissue


Symptoms of leaky gut syndrome

Increased permeability of the intestinal wall does not give specific manifestations, but the symptoms depend on the clinical course of the disease associated with it:

  • Burning sensation (in intestinal ulceration)
  • Diarrhea
  • Bloating and flatulence (as a result of excessive growth of bacterial microflora and accumulation of fermentation products)
  • Chronic fatigue (which is related to disturbances in food absorption and energy production)


Diagnostic tests for leaky gut syndrome

There are a number of tests that can be used to evaluate changes in the permeability of the intestinal wall. It is also important to diagnose diseases associated with changes in the permeability of the intestinal wall.

Zonulin Determination allows us to diagnose and monitor leaky gut. Zonulin is a structural protein that provides strong connections between intestinal epithelial cells. An increase in the amount of this protein is often an indication of enlarged intercellular pores, which allow large molecules and bacterial byproducts to enter the bloodstream.

endomysium It is the internal connective tissue membrane of the smooth muscle fibers of the gastrointestinal tract, which surrounds each muscle cell. Antibodies against its proteins are produced during celiac disease, during immune inflammation in the tissue of the intestinal wall, therefore the determination of endomysium antibodies is an important diagnostic criterion for celiac disease.


Treatment and management of leaky gut syndrome

Treatment options for leaky gut include:

  • Treatment and management of the underlying disease causing it (inflammatory bowel disease, celiac disease, etc.).
  • Symptomatic treatment is aimed at improving the manifestations of the disease and the patient's subjective condition.
  • Adjusting the diet to the medical condition (eg, removing foods from the diet that increase damage to the intestinal mucosa)
  • Addition of essential nutrients (eg L-glutamate, which helps repair damage to the intestinal wall).
  • Maintenance of natural intestinal microflora with pre and probiotics
  • Restriction of medication and alcohol consumption


"Synevo" offers laboratory tests for diagnosing and monitoring "Leaky Gut" syndrome:

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