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Kidney It is the main human excretory organ that filters blood from metabolic products and rids the body of harmful substances. Blood filtration is urine, which collects in the bladder through the ureter and is excreted through the urethra.

Kidneys The most important Physiological Role Homeostasis There is regulation: Kidneys provide constancy of relative osmotic pressure of intercellular fluids, lymph, blood, electrolyte and acid-base balance, excrete nitrogenous exchange products, participate in protein, carbohydrate, lipid metabolism processes, excretion of toxic substances from the body and regulation of systemic hemodynamics.

Therefore, the evaluation of the concentration of the substances in the blood, which are released by the kidney together with the urine, allows for the evaluation of the functional state of the kidney.

The functional profile of the kidney include of 7 main parameters (Click on a specific product for more information on each parameter):

CreatinineThe final product of protein metabolism, which is mainly produced in the liver, circulates in the blood and is excreted by the kidneys. Its excess is accompanied by acute kidney failure and chronic kidney diseases.

Urea - It is the final product of protein breakdown, which is formed from ammonia in the liver and participates in the concentration of urine. It increases during glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, tuberculosis, chronic kidney diseases.

Uric acid  The metabolic product of purine bases (included in nucleoproteins) excreted by the kidneys. Found in extracellular fluid in the form of sodium salts.

CalciumSodiumPhosphorusPotassium - In maintaining the body's electrolyte homeostasis, they are the main microelements, in the exchange of which the kidneys play an insignificant role. The complex determination and evaluation of their concentration in the blood gives us information about the functional state of the kidneys.

When should we make functional kidney tests?

A profile is prescribed to assess renal function. This test is done when kidney function is suspected or when a patient has already been diagnosed with kidney disease.

How to prepare for the test?

The test should be performed on an empty stomach. 

Some medications can affect test results, so it is important to consult your doctor before taking the test and get the proper instructions to prepare for the test.

Possible interpretation of the results

If the test reveals abnormalities, additional diagnostics may be needed Use of methods. For this you must consult a specialist, who, Given the symptoms, correctly select the appropriate examinations for diagnostics To be exact.

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Kidney Function Profile - 55GEL, Instead of 130 GEL

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