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Profile of prophylactic examination Is a simple and unique examination of the state of health that serves to diagnose before the clinical signs of illness.

Basic examinations are recommended to be performed prophylactically in order to check the general state of health, at least once a year. Tests can detect the warning signs of almost any disease early.

The profile includes a study of the following 10 parameters (Click on a specific product for more information on each parameter):

including May 31  You can make a "Profile of prophylactic examinations" For 90 GEL, Instead of 177 GEL

Profile of prophylactic examination- when to do it?

It is recommended to check the health condition once in 6 months. Accordingly, the profile is designed for people, regardless of age, who want to constantly monitor their own health and avoid possible complications.

How to prepare for the test?

Venous blood is required for the test.

It is necessary to take blood for analysis on an empty stomach(At least 12 hours must have passed since the last meal).

Some medications can affect the results of test parameters, so it is important to consult your doctor and get detailed instructions to prepare for the analysis.

Possible interpretation of the results

If the test reveals abnormalities, it may be necessary to use additional, other methods of diagnostics. For this, you must consult a specialist, who, taking into account the symptoms, will correctly select the appropriate examinations to make an accurate diagnostics.

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Profile of prophylactic examinations - 90 GEL, instead of 177 GEL

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