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HOMA Index | When was the last time you were tested?

Think about the last time you were tested❓
Learn more about insulin resistance and prediabetes:  Learn more 
👉 HOMA index In case of online purchase, we offer a special discount: Learn more 
Synevo also offers:
👉 Diabetes monitoring profiles: Learn more 
  • As a reminder, "requested test days" continue in Synevo, which means:
  • Raising awareness and regularly informing about the separately requested tests and relevant pathologies.
  • Our goal is to make preventive examinations available and to prevent expected diseases in time!
☝️Remember! "A milligram of prevention is equal to a kilogram of cure"
"A milligram of prevention is worth a kilogram of cure" - John Robert Colombo.
Hotline: 032 2 800 111 (call 8:30-22:00)
You can also use the on-call service from 9:00 to 22:00.
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