Galactosemia is a rare genetic disease that is the result of a mutation in the genes synthesizing galactose-converting enzymes and causes an increase in the concentration of galactose in the blood within a few hours of birth.
Without treatment, complications such as:
Impairment of physical and mental development
neurological disorders
Liver and kidney pathologies
Ovarian dysfunction and others
Learn more about galactosemia:
Baby Sensor is a diagnostic panel for 100+ inherited metabolic disorders that allows to detect galactosemia and more than 100 other congenital metabolic diseases in the early stages of a child's life.
The advantage of research is its simplicity! By analyzing 250 metabolites in the urine sample, we get the most accurate answer to the presence of specific pathologies. The study is conducted in children from the first 48 hours of birth to the age of 5 years.
For detailed information about Baby Sensor/baby sensor 100+ and to book a study, follow the link:
For detailed information, contact us on the hotline and / or write to us on our Facebook page.
Hotline: 032 2 800 111 (call 8:30-22:00)
You can also use the apartment call service from 08:30 to 22:00. (Tbilisi)