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B9, B12, D vitamins   They are important substances for proper functioning of cells. Deficiency of vitamins is associated with such pathologies as: weakening of immune reactions, delay in the process of growth and development and renewal of cells, normal enzyme reactions and others.

It is included in the vitamin profile (Click on a specific product for more information on each parameter):


When should we conduct vitamin profile studies?

Hypovitaminosis can be suspected in the following symptoms:

  • General weakness and fatigue
  • Loss of appetite
  • weight reduction
  • Numbness and pain in the limbs
  • Dizziness
  • Fainting
  • etc

How to prepare for the test?

Venous blood is required for the study.

Required for the test on empty stomach Presence (interval from last meal should be 10-12 hours).

Possible interpretation of the results

If the test reveals abnormalities, it may be necessary to use additional, other methods of diagnostics. For this, you must consult a specialist, who, taking into account the symptoms, will correctly select the appropriate examinations to make an accurate diagnostics.

Name of the test Category Price CODE Response time (working day) ** Location of the analysis **** Buyhf:tax:product_cat

The value of the profile of vitamins B9, B12, D - 132GEL, instead of 176 LarisB

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