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Infectious diseases

Infectious diseases are caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and other microorganisms. In many cases, an infectious disease can be transmitted from person to person, directly (e.g. through skin contact) or indirectly (e.g., through contaminated food or water).
Read our articles on infectious disease prevention, diagnostics and treatment methods.

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Hepatitis B | That's what we need to know
Hepatitis B | That's what we need to know

Hepatitis B is an infectious disease with liver damage caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). It represents the global…

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Hepatitis C | That's what we need to know
Hepatitis C | That's what we need to know

Hepatitis C is a liver infection that can cause serious liver damage. It is caused by hepatitis C…

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Human Immunodeficiency Virus That's what we need to know
Human Immunodeficiency Virus That's what we need to know

HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a virus that damages the human immune system. Untreated HIV affects and…

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Human Papillomavirus That's what we need to know
Human Papillomavirus That's what we need to know

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a viral infection that is transmitted from person to person through skin-to-skin contact. His…

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Angina What we need to know
Angina What we need to know

General information Angina (tonsillitis, tonsillo-pharyngitis) is an acute inflammatory disease of the throat and tonsils. Angina after viruses...

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Borreliosis - Lyme disease What we need to know
Lyme disease What we need to know

Borreliosis or Lyme disease is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Borrelia Burgdorferi. Its carrier is ticks. Ticks attach to...

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Genital Herpes That's what we need to know
Genital Herpes That's what we need to know

Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). Sexual contact…

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Gonorrhea | That's what we need to know
Gonorrhea | That's what we need to know

Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae. It is common…

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Abdominal pain woman, photo of large intestine on woman body, stomachache diarrhea symptom, menstrual period cramp or food poisoning. Health care concept.
Diarrhea What we need to know

Diarrhea is an intestinal disease caused by various infectious agents. Diarrhea can be caused by both viruses and...

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Infectious mononucleosis What we need to know
Infectious mononucleosis What we need to know

The term infectious mononucleosis was first used in 1920 to describe a group of students with similar pharyngeal (throat)...

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Monkeypox That's what we need to know
Monkeypox That's what we need to know

What is a monkey flower? Monkey flower - a viral disease of animals and humans. The symptoms are flower-like, though less severe. Caused by Monkeypox Virus,…

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Mycoplasma Genitalium That's what we need to know
Mycoplasma Genitalium That's what we need to know

Mycoplasma genitalium (MG) is a bacterium that can cause a sexually transmitted disease. It is transferred…

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Respiratory syncytial virus What we need to know
Respiratory syncytial virus What we need to know

  Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) causes an infectious process of the respiratory tract. It is a widespread virus and…

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Seasonal flu What we need to know
Seasonal flu What we need to know

Seasonal flu is an acute infectious disease caused by influenza A and B viruses. It infects the respiratory system...

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Syphilis | That's what we need to know
Syphilis | That's what we need to know

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by a bacterium known as Treponema pallidum. Syphilis…

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Streptococcal infection What we need to know
Streptococcal infection What we need to know

A streptococcal infection develops when group A streptococcus enters the body. Group A streptococcal infection is contagious and easily…

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Trichomoniasis | That's what we need to know
Trichomoniasis | That's what we need to know

Trichomoniasis is a common sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by a protozoan parasite - Trichomonas vaginalis…

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Ureaplasma urealyticum | That's what we need to know
Ureaplasma urealyticum | That's what we need to know

Ureaplasma is a group of bacteria that lives in the respiratory tract and urogenital tract (urinary and reproductive tract). …

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Ureaplasma urealyticum | Talk. Test yourself. Treat it.
Ureaplasma urealyticum | Talk. Test yourself. Treat it.

In the laboratory "Synevo" it is possible to test ureaplasma for surrealism! Ureaplasma disease is a sexually transmitted disease,…

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Urogenital chlamydia | That's what we need to know
Urogenital chlamydia | That's what we need to know

Chlamydia is a common sexually transmitted disease caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis. It can cause cervicitis,…

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Kunthrusha | What we need to know
Kunthrusha | What we need to know

General information Diarrhea is a disease caused by group A β hemolytic streptococcus. Group A streptococcus (Streptococcus Pyogenes) ...

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Mumps | What we need to know
Mumps | What we need to know

Mumps is a viral disease caused by paramyxovirus. The virus is spread by droplets of the patient's saliva - coughs and sneezes...

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